Subject: Sometimes we mess up ...

RomCom news from Emma:

I always knew I’d write about grief, after losing my husband Jeff in 2016. It has taken a few years to work my way through how to do that best. Would it be a memoir? Self-help? In the end, I chose fiction, and the result is a romantic comedy about a midlife widow loving two people at once - her husband and the man she falls for next.

I’ve been writing romance since I first fell for Gilbert Blythe in 1987. This novel being acquired by Penguin Random House is the culmination of a 30+ year dream. It also represents a huge step up for me. It’s my fifth published book, but the first in adult fiction. It’s also, of course, deeply personal (even if I haven’t yet experienced the Happily Ever After Mk II story that my character has).

The amazing publisher sent back her structural edit, along with a tonne of suggestions. She explained her role as pushing me to be the best writer I can be, by challenging me to lift it in various (sometimes challenging) ways. It’s a huge task, and to meet the January 2023 release date, I had about 8 weeks to turn around the second draft. (Of course, there were about eleven drafts before she first saw it!)

Cue overwhelm! Comparisonitis. Fear of failure. Fear of success … ALL the ‘gremlins’ Audrey and I speak about in our 2017 book, I Don’t Have Time.

We’re so lucky to have each other, because Audrey was able to coach me through breaking this task into small pieces. Sometimes that means one chapter at a time. Other times that’s too overwhelming, and it’s about working on one scene. Last weekend, I spent 2 hours on one paragraph. It’s due to the publisher in just over three weeks, and if I keep my head, I’ll meet that deadline, one focused day at at time.

Audrey, meanwhile, along with her family, fell like dominoes to Covid and was quite under the weather with it. Not keen to let anyone down, her natural inclination was to push forward and continue online coaching and meeting other work deadlines.

She needed a little prod to officially cancel work appointments for a week so she could truly rest.

We’ve always worked from the perspective that we’re two people who struggle just like everyone does with the productivity challenges we write about. We’re lucky we rarely fall too far into those traps these days before one of us hauls the other out, or we remember what we’re doing and scramble out ourselves.

It’s never about the perfect application of good habits. We don’t know anyone who will never procrastinate. Or never getting stuck in perfectionism. Or never fearing failure. It’s about sharpening self-awareness to catch these habits at the start. To pause and think. And get on with what we’re doing, more mindfully.

EOFY Coaching Offer

Join our Fast Forward Coaching Program during our FREE 30-day Coaching Challenge, and we’ll send you a special Self Care and Growth Pack, valued at over $200.

Several of our clients have Fast Forward Coaching fully funded by their organisation. If you’re currently locking in training for the incoming financial year, send us an email and we can help.

Have a great week!

Emma & Audrey x