Subject: [REPLAY] We don't have the lives we ordered either! See why + a fast-action offer

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Hi Friend

We hope you loved today’s online class, “This is not the life I ordered: : Seven strategies to shape a life you’ll really love” as much as we enjoyed hosting it. 

THANK YOU for tuning in.

If you want to watch it again, here’s the limited time replay link.

Probably our favourite gem from today’s session was getting clear on our excuses. “We don’t have time” is bandied about (by us all) way too much, and it’s not true (as jolting as that can be to hear).

Hopefully the practical ideas we gave will help you consciously create the lifestyle you’re craving — even if you’re smack bang in the most hectic time of your life! It’s amazing what can be changed!

Remember, we’ve put together a pretty fabulous (if we do say so) LIMITED TIME offer and wound back the pricing on our popular My 15 Minutes program to the lowest price we ever had! All the details are in the replay (or you can check out the special offer here), but it expires at 1.30pm AEDT Thursday 25th.

We’ve got a few follow-up tips to send you soon.

Emma & Audrey
Co-founders, My 15 Minutes

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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