Subject: [Personal news] You may need to hear this

The last couple of months have been 'interesting' ...

We’ve pushed the importance of regular health checks since we launched our business over a decade ago. Booking in your routine tests is the 15-minute task that headlines our online program, our book, I Don’t Have Time, radio interviews, even our TV appearance on the Today Show Extra …

Thankfully, we practice what we preach.

A few weeks ago, despite it being inconvenient timing, in the midst of a lot of activity on the work and family fronts, and without any symptoms to worry about, Audrey kept her appointment for a routine mammogram. As a result of that test, she underwent breast-conserving surgery to remove malignant tissue and will shortly begin a course of radiotherapy.

The prognosis is excellent. In hindsight, the timing was critical. It mattered that Audrey had the test right then. Not later, when things were less hectic or stressful. Not when the school year finishes. Or when a project is done. Or after Christmas. Right now. Had she pushed the tests out for a time that seemed easier, the story could have been very different. Like Emma’s story, about her husband’s important ‘to do’ list, which had everything written on it except the angiogram that might have saved his life …

This is a message we will never stop sharing.

Our reason for writing today is two-fold.

First, we hope Audrey’s story will encourage you to stop what you’re doing, right now, and book in any overdue health tests. Don’t tell yourself you’ll do it later. Please stop and do it right this minute.

We’d also like to give you an update on where we’re at, business-wise. 

When you work for yourself, personal challenges like cancer or bereavement can make things a little more complicated. When Audrey received her diagnosis, we had to cancel a suite of in-person workshops we’d slated for September. Our clients are unfailingly supportive and understanding, which is beautiful. They intuitively gave us space to handle the ‘life stuff’. And we are incredibly grateful to them for that.

Of course, the flipside is that we love the reward and energy we receive working with clients.

We’re nothing if not flexible and resilient, so we’ve come up with a brand new, exciting offering that works perfectly around Audrey’s treatment, until we can reschedule our live workshops.

Just The Three Of Us

90-minute private coaching with Audrey and Emma


5 days of unlimited extra, personalised support via a hot new reflective coaching technique using voice messaging

Three heads are better than one. First, bring us your most pressing challenge and we’ll sit down with you on Zoom and coach you through it for 90 minutes. You’ll leave the session with clarity and an action plan.

Over the 5 business days after your session, between the hours of 9am-5pm AEST, we’ll be available for you on tap using a free app called Voxer, which allows us to leave each other voice and text messages. 

Sometimes the reflective spaces between the talking are where the biggest breakthroughs happen. Send us a message with your thoughts, questions and observations. We’ll reflect on those and send you our responses. Our dialogue will continue to unfold over the course of a week as you move into action and we help you keep your momentum going.

This is for everyone who:

  • likes an opportunity to reflect and consider

  • loves to think deeply and creatively

  • enjoys workshopping ideas on the go

  • wants to try an innovative approach to problem-solving and mindset

Perhaps you:

  • have a big presentation coming up

  • want feedback on your creative ideas

  • are struggling with overwhelm

  • are floundering in an area of your work or business

  • need an impartial sounding board or some extra support or pep talks

If this resonates with you, we'd love you to join us and take advantage of this special introductory offer (saving $100 if you reserve your spot at this price).

All the details are here. Of course, if you have any questions, please drop us a line at

All the best

Emma & Audrey x