Subject: No seriously, I REALLY don’t have time!

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Do I really need more pressure to achieve at this time of year? Wouldn’t it be better to go easy on myself?

Finishing the year strong is all about doing something that makes you feel good about yourself. It’s about carving some dedicated time in an already busy life, so that you’re not swept into the new year on the crest of everyone else’s wave — but on one of your own.

Imagine taking a few minutes out on New Year’s Eve to express some private gratitude for the time you’re about to invest, strengthening one area of your life over these next few weeks. Below are some personal project ideas that are very achievable in the time that we have left in 2019. You may come up with one (or several) of your own:

  • Plan and set up a new business
  • Lose one or two dress sizes
  • Write the first draft of a book
  • Declutter your entire house and make a profit from selling items
  • Apply for and begin a new job
  • Start and finish a significant craft project
  • Learn to run 5km
  • Train for and complete your first half-marathon
  • Paint the house
  • Plan and book a family trip
  • Finish a self-paced course of study
New Year’s Eve is an arbitrary deadline. We know that. But humans respond well to having a date by which to achieve something.

At My 15 Minutes, we are in the business of helping people reduce overwhelm and learn how to use small steps to achieve big things. We specialise in helping people who ‘don’t have time’ to get things done. Because of our approach, we often help our clients commit to less, so they can make more progress because everything just feels possible. It’s about finding that sweet spot between desire and intent, action and just the right amount of ‘stretch’ to motivate without smothering.

Register in our challenge now, and you’ll receive 5 days of content, free, starting Monday.

Emma & Audrey x

ps. We know you get a lot of ‘free this and that’ stuff in your mail. This could be the one that gives you the traction to make the rest of the year the best of it. Register for free here.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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