Subject: Need help taking the first step?

Carrying uncertainty can be heavier and harder than taking action in the face of definite bad news. As humans, we prefer to know what we’re dealing with than not. We feel better when we get on with it, even in dire circumstances. Action gives us a sense of purpose and greater control.

Even if our first response to overwhelm is ‘deer in headlights' or ‘head in sand’, once we move into action, we can begin to feel better quite quickly. This is the case even if we begin with just the smallest, easiest steps.

The opposite situation –– inaction –– can be damaging. We might feel like we’re being dragged into a downwards spiral with every passing day that we avoid doing things. It only makes everything harder.

We’ve all seen those illustrations of people transforming their lives in a year. There was even a TV show about it, where people set a 12-month goal and return in a year to show their progress. That kind of thing is both inspiring and frustrating. Exciting, because we can imagine a different life for ourselves. Frustrating, because if we can see what’s possible and genuinely desire that change but still don’t get started or can't stay focussed, it can be very demoralising.

We meet our accountability coaching clients where they are. We help them set achievable goals and stay the course. Because we offer unlimited sessions for 12 months, and set small steps each time, our clients find everything easier. Where they used to start strong, then drift off, we help keep them stay on task. When their confidence wavers, we remind them why they wanted this. If the goalposts change, we support their navigation on the new path. This coaching is all about flexibility and compassion, rather than shouting ruthlessly from the sidelines.

Do you long to make more progress on a big goal?

Each year, we offer a limited number of free places in a 30-day version of our Fast Forward accountability program. Imagine a realistic goal you’d love to achieve in the next month, and envisage how much easier it might be with someone in your corner.

If you’re tired of that helpless feeling of uncertainty, and inspired by the notion of taking practical steps into a better future, we invite you to apply for our free 30-day challenge. Details here.

We'd love to help you take this next step!

Audrey & Emma x

Fast Forward Coaching
1:1 Accountability


UNLIMITED 15-minute coaching sessions with one of us, for 30 days. Book as many sessions as you need to achieve all the goals you set.