Subject: Listen up Perth! It’s time to unpack some dreams!

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We’ve been itching to travel west and deliver the I Don’t Have Time workshops that Canberra, Adelaide and Melbourne have embraced for several years now. And finally IT’S TIME!

This is a four-hour, intensive session for women who understand how maddening it feels, not getting on with things. With a quarter of 2019 left, there’s still time to finish the year strong and make some spectacular changes in your world. Whether it’s your career or business, your health, your relationships, your home or something else, if you’re struggling to commit and really make things happen, this session is for you!

We’ve a list of over 300 secret self-doubts collected in our workshops from people who thought there was nobody just like them. People who fell victim to an unofficial mass cover-up that leads us to think other people have their acts together, much better than we do.

They don't.
Ducks aren’t designed to line up
Life isn’t as neat and tidy as we’d like, even when we’re travelling pretty well. Things get derailed. We get derailed. Finding out ‘it’s not just me!’ can be incredibly liberating, and it’s what you do next that really counts.
Join us on Wednesday 22 October from 9.30am - 1.30pm
in the CBD
  • Figure out what would really float your boat, and what really isn’t working in your life
  • Work out what you can let go to create the space you need to do more of what lights you up
  • Identify causes of high and low energy/motivation in key areas of your life
  • ‘Declutter’ your mind and your schedule to open up a larger or more fulfilling life
  • Identify various ways to self-rescue when you’re stuck in a rut, and create a tailored list of potential solutions with which to experiment
  • Develop greater awareness of the thought processes that hold you back, time after time, what this costs you and how things might be different with just some minor tweaks to your thinking
  • Learn about an actionable, motivating and achievable way of creating goals and maintaining positive momentum
  • Feel empowered to move through tasks more quickly
  • Create a tailored action plan unlike anyone else’s in the room, designed to help you achieve what you want, around all the challenges or obstacles that are particular to you.
Here’s what others have said about this session:
"My favourite bit was hearing everyone's gremlins - I nearly cried and was shaking. Huge relief!”

“Open, good fun, emotionally challenging (in a good way).”

“Thanks for an awesome session! My colleague and I [who attended] are at work at the moment and have been discussing it. We both got lots out of it!”
This is the work we love — sharing real-life stories, tools, tips and practical strategies to make achievable progress THIS YEAR. Just imagine what is possible…

Emma & Audrey x

Ps.  We can't wait to share our favourite stories, tools and strategies for the first time ever in Perth! We expect places to fill quickly, so book now and take advantage of our early bird tickets [you'll save $50!].

Pps.  You'll also receive complimentary membership into our I Don't Have Time @ Work online program, valued at $97!

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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