Subject: Life is one big mash-up ...

“Life brings us great joy and it brings us to our knees. We have to have it both ways. That’s the deal.”

Those are our own words, which we encountered when we flicked over to November in the calendar we produced for our clients last Christmas. We couldn’t have known this time last year that by this November, Audrey would be embarking on a course of radiation for breast cancer. We didn’t know she and her husband, Daf, would be enjoying their first child-free, tropical holiday in over seventeen years. Emma didn’t know she’d be preparing for Penguin to release the novel she wrote after the death of her husband. Or that her second daughter would be moving out of home.

Life is one big mash-up of good and bad, easy and hard, fun and heartbreaking.

We can plan ahead, to an extent, but we need to accept that our plans will go awry, for reasons beyond our own control. Planning with flexibility is key.

Some of the 90-minute coaching calls we have in our “Just the three of us” sessions are within the context of ‘good times’. Things are going smoothly, and there’s space to ponder ‘what next’?

Other calls come at a time when something is very difficult. Something has gone wrong, or the way forward feels murky or scary. Sometimes there’s a sense of having gone part of the way down the wrong track, or a feeling of being trapped.

We meet you wherever you are, and adjust the nature of our sessions so they’ll be of the highest value to you on the day. If you’re feeling tangled, we’ll help you untangle yourself. If you’re feeling optimistic and focused, we’ll champion you to harness that energy in a productive way. If you need a sounding board, we’ll provide one.

Just The Three Of Us is one of the most rewarding offerings we’ve ever put together. There’s strength in numbers and the ideas that are stimulated in a ‘mini mastermind’ environment can fast-track progress through obstacles. It’s creative, practical and energising.

For all the details, click here. We’d love to see you on a call!

If you have any questions, please drop us a line at

All the best

Emma & Audrey x