Subject: [Free goodies] The Self-care Switch

Ready for your 'Me Time?

A friend is going through a difficult patch, and mentioned in passing that she’d put off the ‘me time’ she longed for until the next lot of steps have been achieved.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of seeing self-care as a ‘reward’ for an endurance marathon we’ve completed. We can see it as something we turn to because we’ve overdone things, or been swamped, or we’re desperate.

We use it as ‘After Care’ when we’ve gone too far, done too much or been through the ringer (and of course, it can be so helpful then too). But what really makes the difference, in terms of our ability to withstand pressure and perform well, is the ‘Before Care’.

Flipping the switch, so we’re dishing out the self-comfort and support NOW and chasing it with the hard work later can only boost our capacity to cope. It’s why sleep must come before and after a big presentation or triathlon or family event. And why we’re so much better at our jobs and our relationships and parenting when we take proper breaks along the way.

We need to stop looking at self-care as the reward. It’s the fuel.

We’re celebrating this message by giving away some self-care bonuses in our next free Fast Forward 30-Day Challenge. We love working with people in a month of unlimited coaching – it’s a great time frame to achieve some sizeable quick wins, one step at a time.

For anyone who completes the challenge and chooses to join our Fast Forward Program for 12 months, we’re giving away a special ‘Self-care and Growth Pack’ (valued at over $200). Imagine a bulky delivery full of gorgeous surprises that will feel like Christmas.

Have a lovely weekend!

Audrey & Emma x

Fast Forward Coaching
1:1 Accountability


UNLIMITED 15-minute coaching sessions with one of us, for 30 days. Book as many sessions as you need to achieve all the goals you set.