Subject: [Free 5-day Training] Finish the Year Strong!

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Finish the Year Strong!
Starting next Monday 28 October, we’re bringing back our LIVE and FREE 5-day challenge to help you scrape up the remains of your flagging motivation (please excuse the assumption we’re making here that you’re a bit over it all), get clear on what you want to do, focus and finish the year STRONG.

Exhausting idea, right? It would be, if this was one of those ‘Ra-Ra-Slay-Your-Goals-You’re-Awesomesauce’ types of challenges. If you’ve been hanging around with us for a while though, you’d know that’s just not how we operate.

That said, we have to warn you that we ARE going to dish out a little bit of tough love in this challenge. It’s so easy to get bogged down in the stories we tell ourselves about why it’s not a good time or we can’t be bothered or want to give up, or go slow, or stay small or wait 'til some magical, mythical milestone occurs, after which it will all be easier or we’ll be more focused or less distracted or our ‘BEST SELF’, or, or, or …

Here’s a hard to believe truth:
We've only just started the fourth quarter of 2019!
How can that be possible, when there are Christmas decorations in the shops?

When we stop focusing on how fast time is flying and accept that we do, genuinely, have exactly enough time to do some major things - the game can change.

By Christmas I could ... X, Y or Z.

The ‘X, Y, Z’ is key here, because this is one challenge in which we’re not going to tell you exactly what to do. We won’t give you a specific fifteen minute task to complete, the way we do in our 90-day program. In these five days, we’re just helping you get ultra clear on your ONE achievable goal and how to find the time, space and energy to make it happen.

Maybe it’s to lose half a kilo a week (that’s over 5 kilos). Maybe it’s to save $100 a week (that’s $1,100). Perhaps it’s to entirely declutter your house, or set up a business and get your first client, or write the first draft of a book. All of these are possible in the time that’s left in 2019. (Not all of them at once, perhaps, but certainly any one of these, and many others).

It’s not that you can’t do it. It’s that you haven’t. Not yet, and maybe because there’s been no accountability until now.

Sign up for our FREE CHALLENGE and in 5 days, we’ll help you come up with the plan you need to fully implement a sizeable thing between now and Christmas.

Tell your friends!

Audrey & Emma x

ps. We know you get a lot of ‘free this and that’ stuff in your mail. This could be the one that gives you the traction to make the rest of the year the best of it. Register for free here.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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