Subject: Finish the year strong, or ...?

Since 2018, it has been customary for us to offer a 'Finish the Year Strong' challenge, around about now. Hundreds of people have worked through these 5-day challenges in an online group, and it has reinvigorated people’s desire to wring a little bit more out of the year.

With the finish line beginning to come into view in 2021, and hot on the heels of a 2020 that left much of the world quite shattered, we can be forgiven for feeling like the years are wringing more out of us, these days, and not the other way around.

As you read this, you might still be experiencing life in lockdown in Canberra and Victoria, perhaps you’re emerging from it in NSW, or maybe life has been tracking along quite normally if you’re in one of the other states. You could be overseas, and experiencing various degrees of freedom or restriction depending on where you’re living. Maybe you long to be home, or to travel and see family. Maybe work is feeling pressured, or perhaps you’ve shifted your path in a new direction. Perhaps you’ve had a really lovely year or two.

Our pandemic circumstances are as individual as we are, so we’ve tweaked our Finish the Year Strong offering this year to move away from the group setting, and offer you something we haven’t done previously. A one-on-one coaching session to work out your strategy from here.

Maybe you’re keen to lose half a kilo a week (that’s over 5 kilos by Christmas).

Maybe it’s to save $100 a week (that’s $1,100).

Perhaps it’s to entirely declutter your house, or set up a business and get your first client, or write the first draft of a book.

Maybe it’s more about rescuing time, putting boundaries in place and looking after your health.

All of these ideas and many more are possible in the time that’s left in 2021.

If you’re keen for some personal accountability to help you hit a goal, check out our Press Play Coaching Bundle. It includes our 100-question Life Review tool, a realistic goal-setting resource and a 45-minute Strategy Coaching Session over Zoom with one of us.

Best of all, we’re offering the coaching bundle for only $97AUD, saving you $150. (Please note, places are limited.)

If you have any questions, we’d love to chat. We’re looking forward to working with you, if this is a good fit.

Hope to speak with you soon!

Audrey & Emma x

Ps. We created this coaching bundle particularly to help some of the lovely people in our community who are looking for support right now but are not sure where to start. We're expecting this quite a bit of interest, so if this is just what you need right now to give you clarity and help you take action towards your dreams, secure your spot before they're all taken.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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