Subject: Do you love 'before and after shots'?

Our feeds are full of flashy before and afters. They’re part inspiring, part discouraging. We’re astonished at what people can achieve, hopeful for the same for us, yet painfully aware of the cavernous gap between here and there.

Whether it’s a world renowned artist posting their beginner work, someone falling over the finish line in an ultra marathon, or even just a before and after of the linen closet, we have an interesting relationship with goals, and an even more interesting relationship with the steps required to reach them.

Ira Glass spoke of the ‘taste gap’. It’s that frustrating difference between the standard you’re aiming for and the standard you are right now. It’s knowing what’s possible, and wanting it deeply, while being self-aware of our current shortfall.

The people who do ‘make it’, whatever ‘making it’ means to each of us, are the ones who don’t let the Taste Gap beat them. We’re successful when we take just a dash of inspiration from people at their finish lines, but focus far more on the bit in between. The unfinished part. The often unglamorous reality involved in putting one foot in front of the other.

We’re just wrapping up the first year with one of our Fast Forward clients, and she took an inventory of the things she’s achieved through our coaching. Flicking back through her notes to where she’d started, she realised just how far she’d come professionally in the last 12 months, to the point of observing that her life was almost unrecognisable.

Accountability isn’t rocket science. But without it, even rocket scientists wouldn’t get very far. This sort of coaching is powerful because of its simplicity. It’s about clarity on the next steps and commitment to taking them. And it’s about doing this on repeat, despite obstacles, with one of us in your corner, until you’re the one with the ‘after’ shot.

We’re looking for a handful of women who’d like to sample our Fast Forward Coaching package on a 30-day free trial before the end of this financial year. Previous participants in the trial have loved their month of coaching, whether or not they decide to go forward with more.

And if you’ve been thinking about this for a while, want to skip the trial and just secure your place in the program before 1 July (particularly if this is the sort of thing your workplace would prefer to purchase before then), get in touch and we’ll get you all set up.

Places are genuinely limited, and we’d love to welcome you. 

Apply here, or drop us an email at:

From one of free 30-day challenge clients...

"I am excited to get some momentum going - it’s long overdue!"

Looking forward to speaking with you soon!

Emma & Audrey x

Want to know more about how our individual coaching could work for you? Check out all the details of our free 30-day challenge offer.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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