Subject: [CANBERRA - Saturday workshop] Your Reinvention Project

A brand new workshop!

We’re thrilled to be back in a room workshopping all things personal reinvention! You’re invited to our upcoming Canberra workshop on Saturday 24 September, 10am - 1pm. What better time than Spring to celebrate what’s next … 

Your Reinvention Project! Because life’s too short to faff about

This fun, interactive 3-hour session is for women looking for a fresh start, new direction, deepened purpose and a greater sense of momentum.

It’s for you if you’re:

  • Feeling a little lost, unclear of your next steps

  • Struggling with a lack of direction, momentum or sparkle

  • The existing path is dragging you away from where you really want to be.

Come along and shape a new plan, starting from right here, in the middle of it all. No lining up ducks. No waiting til something else falls into place first, or we get more energy … all those things can be seamlessly wrapped into this plan.

If it’s been too long since you did things that:

  • Excite you

  • Relax you

  • Reinvigorate you

  • Reconnect you

If you’re sick of tolerating things in your life that just aren’t working …

Join us and we’ll help you envisage and articulate your next steps career-wise, personally, creatively or in any area that matters to you deeply.

All the details are here.

We'd love to see you the workshop. And please get in touch if you are keen to attend a session in a city near you.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Emma & Audrey x