Subject: [Blog] Nobody panic, but …

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There’s a thing going around on social media about there being only 90 days left of the DECADE. It’s now less than 90 days until we welcome in the roaring 20s (anyone else imagining us all at Great Gatsby-themed New Year’s Eve parties in flapper dresses, doing the Charleston? No? Just us?)

And here’s another question: Have you ever watched sprinting races in athletics? So often, the one in the lead sees the finish line ahead and eases off. Sometimes they even start celebrating prematurely, only for someone else to stay focused, run consistently, right through to the end and steal first place.

We don’t care who’s in first place. We don’t even know who’s in the next lane most of the time, but we do worry when our motivation flags.

Are we supposed to admit that, when much of our work is about productivity and momentum? Yes. It would be doing you no service to pretend staying focused and motivated is always easy. It isn’t.

But when it’s a struggle to get on with things, here are some of our favourite ‘circuit breakers’ to reclaim the mojo:

Surrender to a break

Sometimes the mind wanders and the body flags because we’ve been pushing ourselves too long without a clear break. That could mean a half-hour walk mid-afternoon, or it could mean a month off work. It’s often surprising how little time away is needed to recalibrate and restore our enthusiasm. It can be better sometimes to surrender fully to the desire for downtime and revel in that. Really switch off, instead of spinning your wheels trying to stay on the path.

Switch up your mornings

Days that begin in a strong space physically and mentally are often far more productive than days that begin with a morning scramble (we are experts in both, and understand exactly how chaotic it can be). This time of year is a good one to rise a bit earlier, take in the sunrise and a morning stroll to clear your head. There’s a sense of satisfaction in sitting down for the working day having already moved your body, filled your lungs with oxygen and had time that is truly your own.

Go to bed earlier

This can be our downfall, as we’re both night owls, but there’s so much research about the benefits of sleep it’s hard to ignore. Perhaps this is an experiment? Try going to bed before a certain time of night, just for one week and note the differences.

Choose one big thing

The remaining three months of the decade provide enough time to make a MAJOR shift in your life. It’s time to significantly improve your physical health. You could start and complete a major project. You could write a draft of a book or a screenplay, or overhaul your house or garden. You could brush up your CV, apply for jobs and set yourself up for a new role or a career change.

The temptation is to pull back now, write the rest of the decade off, start celebrating and dance around in a flapper dress (and let’s be clear - that is FUN, so do that too if you like!)

But what a GIFT these last three months are. They’re yours. How you spend them is up to you, which means you have choice. Sure, you’re working and have family responsibilities — we all do — but you can push yourself much higher on your priority list and send yourself dancing into the next decade with one, last major accomplishment to your name. And how wonderful will that feel?

Join us on Tuesday 22 October from 9.30am - 1.30pm
in the CBD
We’re bringing our four-hour fun, practical and motivating workshop, I Don’t Have Time, to Perth! You can find out all about the session and register for it here.
The I Don’t Have Time workshop will give you answers to questions like:
“Is this all there is? I thought I’d have life worked out by now, but all I can see are seasons passing and years speeding up and I’m kind of lurching from one thing to the next, with no clear idea of what I really want to do with my life at all! Am I the only one thinking I should be further ahead by now? Is it too late?”

“What spare time? Have you seen my calendar? Maybe there’ll be time to set some personal goals in 2020 …”

“Okay, I’ve found the time … but my energy is AWOL and I’m squandering it on the couch, bingeing on Netflix and wishing the clean washing would fold itself so I could stretch my legs out properly. How do people do it? Where do they get their energy from!”

The answers to these questions will be delivered with our trademark ‘we-totally-get-it’ frankness. Our next book, tentatively titled 'I Can’t Be Bothered', is all about revitalising your mood. It’s about finding the energy and motivation to really chase the life you want, and helps you identify why you’re tired (beyond the obvious OTT workloads most of us are carrying).

Come away from the workshop with a notebook jam-packed with solutions and strategies to change the way you think, the way you organise your time, and the way you divest your energy. It’s about shuffling things around (thoughts and actions, commitments and goals) so you can finally flick the switch you’ve been searching for in the dark.

It’s about running towards what you want — not treading water, or running away from what you don’t want. It’s about finding the light in your life, then turning that light up, in every aspect.

Emma & Audrey x

Ps.  We can't wait to share our favourite stories, tools and strategies for the first time ever in Perth! We expect places to fill quickly, so book now and take advantage of our early bird tickets [you'll save $50!].

Pps. You'll also receive complimentary membership into our I Don't Have Time @ Work online program, valued at $97!

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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