Subject: [Announcement] REINVENTION WORLD TOUR! Well, Canberra, Adelaide & Perth!

We’re constantly in a state of reinvention, aren’t we?

Sometimes it’s by choice - a new career, a house move, a changed or new relationship … And sometimes reinvention is forced upon us.

Sometimes it’s exciting and desired. Sometimes it’s the product of having to respond to circumstances we didn’t want. Even then, it can become exciting …

It’s full of promise - this notion of growth and change. There’s something thrilling about the idea of not having to stay here, where we are, even if where we are is a reasonably happy place. It can be about deepening, extending or adjusting. About looking at your situation with fresh eyes and a new perspective … and wondering, ‘what if I tweaked this?’

The best bit is it’s not about ‘being better’ or ‘doing more’. Gone are the days, in our minds at least, where we’re going to pressure ourselves to ‘improve’.

This is about shaping a path we REALLY want to walk …

That path for us is taking us on a fabulous 3-city tour, workshopping all things personal and professional reinvention in CANBERRA, ADELAIDE and now … drum roll … PERTH!

It’s not all about us, but we’ll be sharing how Audrey has reinvented herself through a diagnosis, treatment and recovery from breast cancer. And how Emma pulled herself and her family onto a new track after the loss of her husband, which is now propelling her towards Hollywood!

New stories galore, new content, new strategies and exercises and tools, all designed to help you identify where you want to go and then forge that path in super practical ways.

We can’t wait!

This fun, interactive 3-hour session is for women looking for a fresh start, new direction, deepened purpose and a greater sense of momentum.

It’s for you if you’re:

  • Feeling a little lost, unclear of your next steps

  • Struggling with a lack of direction, momentum or sparkle

  • The existing path is dragging you away from where you really want to be.

Hope to see you in person soon!

Emma & Audrey x