Subject: A picture is worth a thousand words ...

3 Ways a Vision Board Can Help You Shape a Life You Love
It’s just a bunch of photos stuck on a canvas, right? How can a vision board possibly change your life in any real way?

This is much more than a fun way to pass a few hours lost in some art and craft (though it’s that too, and we always love the creativity involved). Here are 3 reasons to give Vision Boarding a go in 2020:

1.  It helps you get clear on exactly what you want

Before the cutting out and sticking on of images, we take you through some thought-provoking exercises that help shuffle all your dreams into an orderly queue. We want you to be realistic. We’re only looking at the next year or so here, and two things are usually true about that. You can’t do everything — and you can probably do much more than you think!

This is about more than what you want to do or have. It’s about how you want to feel. When you’re clear on that, the ‘what’ tends to fall into place more effortlessly.

2. You can touch it

Just as writing by hand is proven to help memory retention more than typing on a keyboard, getting your hands ‘dirty’ with some craft anchors you more deeply in the concepts you’re representing. Even the act of flicking through magazines searching for just the right image helps you clarify the vision in your mind. Taking ownership of the creation of the board aesthetically deepens your connection to the images representing your desires. It’s an emotional connection.

3. You'll remember it

Place your board front and centre at home or at work and your dreams and goals will be in your face (in the loveliest way). Sports coaches are constantly telling athletes to ‘keep their eyes on the ball' and this is similar. When we don’t focus, we drift. We can’t remember everything when we’re usually juggling so much, so being drawn back to a visual representation of your intentions will remind you what really matters to you this year.

Would you love some ‘me time’ out with a bunch of like-minded people, creating this personalised tool? Register now for sessions in Adelaide, Canberra and Perth.

Want to chat with us?

While we’re talking about vision, did you know that, every so often, we offer free Clarity Calls? This is 30 minutes on the phone with one of us, talking through an issue that is uppermost in your mind. We’ll ensure you have at least one (usually more) action step to take by the end of the free session, and then we’ll share with you some (totally no obligation) info about ways we might be able to help you in the future.

This is a limited opportunity, as we space these calls around our regular work, and only offer a few spots in our schedules. You can book your Clarity Call here.

Looking forward to catching up with you soon!

Audrey & Emma x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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