Just a quick message as we head into the weekend to let you know about some fun, new and creative workshops we have coming up in January.
As Emma and I have been reviewing what we've achieved in the last 12 months, in preparation for our plans for the coming year, one thing has been particularly noticeable. Where we've had clearly defined vision, well-articulated goals and actionable tasks documented (and tracked), we've experienced the most success in our business. In other areas, where we've been less focused, well, not so much. Hmm, interesting isn't it ...
Really, there should be no surprises about this. We all KNOW that when we create goals and define actions - and hold ourselves truly accountable for them - we can achieve anything we desire.
And yet in life, in business, in our relationships, in our finances (the list could go on), we let ourselves down. We run out of steam and part way through the year we lose sight of the inspired 'dreaming' we experienced back in January.
It's time to change that pattern!
Let's make 2018 the year we commit to sprinting into December, hands waving and cheering as we celebrate the year we've created. How amazing that is going to feel! Are you with us? |