Subject: [2020 Events!] New Decade Double Whammy ...

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A note from Emma:

Recently, I had a huge cleanup of my garage, which was groaning with a whole lot of stuff, including boxes and boxes of sentimental things from my parents’ house, which triggered a lovely trip down memory lane.

One of the things I found was my vision board from 2018. It had sat prominently in my family room for all of that year, until we moved house, and as I looked at it again, I realised almost all of the things I aspired to do that year have been accomplished. A house move. A publishing deal. A professional development course. The launch of our Reinvention Project. A beach holiday. Time with friends and family. If it wasn’t done that year, it’s still ongoing and progress is happening. In fact, that year was my most focused one yet.

The poster definitely didn’t go into the skip. It’s a powerful reminder of what we can do if we really set our mind to it. And heading into 2020, I’m excited to start a fresh vision board in Audrey’s next workshop. 

Vision Board Workshops
In 2020, in honour of a fresh new decade, we’re rolling out our popular Create Your Vision! Workshop again. Check out the details here.

AND, once you’ve worked out what you want to do, figure out how to get it done!
I Don't Have Time Workshops
Based on concept from our 2017 book of the same title, this session will help you achieve the things on your vision board. Dealing with the mindset gremlins that routinely get in the way, we’ll help you focus your mind, overcome self-doubt and unhelpful habits and make the new year your strongest and most satisfying yet.

We can’t promise you won’t be sideswiped by life out of left field. Things will always happen. But it’s how well equipped we are, mentally, to process and hurdle those events that makes the difference.

Between us we carry a huge personal load of parenting (including single parenting), caring, working, writing and creating, studying, volunteering and enjoying social lives, too. We’re in the trenches beside you. There’s nothing special about us — we’ve just spent a decade studying ways to respond to life in a way that leaves us excited about the future, and able to manage a lot of things while we take steps towards our dreams. And we’d love to share this with you.

Set yourself up for the kind of year you’ll look back on with a smile. We’ll see you there!
Emma & Audrey x

ps. We've put together a great bundle price so you can save $50 by booking for both workshops in either Canberra or Adelaide ... all the details are here.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, 5095, Mawson Lakes, Australia
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