Subject: Did you see the good news about entry to Cuba? - 💌 SimplyCubaTours

Did you see the good news about entry to Cuba? - 💌 SimplyCubaTours

April 6th, 2022 at 10:47 pm AEST

Cuba is now a completely hassle free travel destination for all... View online ABOUT US | PHOTOGRAPHY TOURS | OTHER TOURS | TRAVEL ALERTS Hola Friend, Como estas? OMG I am sooooooooooooooo excited! As of today, 6 April 2022, Cuba no lon ...

Do you want to visit Cuba? - 💌 SimplyCubaTours

March 31st, 2022 at 11:11 pm AEST

Find out how your visit helps... View online ABOUT US | PHOTOGRAPHY TOURS | OTHER TOURS | TRAVEL ALERTS Hola Friend, Como estas? I just realised I am a day late.. this week is flying! In fact i also just realised that it's April tomorro ...

Time to make different choices? - 💌 SimplyCubaTours

March 23rd, 2022 at 11:11 pm AEST

What's the life in Cuba like today... View online ABOUT US | PHOTOGRAPHY TOURS | OTHER TOURS | TRAVEL ALERTS Versión en francés a continuaciónVersión en español a continuación Hola Friend, How are you today? I've been getting some ...

Want to learn more about Cuba? - 💌 SimplyCubaTours

March 17th, 2022 at 11:11 pm AEST

Check out our video library.... View online ABOUT US | PHOTOGRAPHY TOURS | OTHER TOURS | TRAVEL ALERTS Hola Friend, How are you today? I have been having plenty of conversations with people around traveling to Cuba in 2022. I'm glad to h ...

Cuba beyond the hotels - 💌 SimplyCubaTours

March 9th, 2022 at 11:11 pm AEST

Why touring around the island is so much fun! View online ABOUT US | PHOTOGRAPHY TOURS | OTHER TOURS | TRAVEL ALERTS Hola Friend, How are you? I finally returned to Australia after 2 wonderful months of reconnecting with Yoanis and our s ...

The joys of no internet in Cuba 🙄- 💌 SimplyCubaTours

February 9th, 2022 at 11:11 pm AEST

What an amazing discovery tour to Cuba, do you want to hear about it… View online ABOUT US | PHOTOGRAPHY TOURS | OTHER TOURS | TRAVEL ALERTS Hola Friend, Como estuvo to mes? Mine has been fantastic, albeit technically challenged. Alway ...

News from the ground in Cuba - 💌 SimplyCubaTours

January 15th, 2022 at 11:11 am AEST

What we have found so far... View online ABOUT US | PHOTOGRAPHY TOURS | OTHER TOURS | TRAVEL ALERTS Hola Friend, Versión spanis a continuaciónVersion française ci-dessous Woohoo! I made it 😃 It was interesting to be travelling over ...