Subject: What's happening in Cuba 💌 - SimplyCuba

Hola Friend,

Here we are at the end of September. Not sure about your end of the World, but in Cuba that marks 7 months of border closures. Out of which about half was spent at various lockdowns, quarantines and the like. Funnily enough the numbers of infections reported are not getting any better. Which is probably why we haven't yet seen anything out officially about the borders opening anywhere any time soon. But I will tell you about what we can see behind the scenes and then you can do some more of a looking into it all if you were planning to visit.

On a good note, there is news about schools reopening from 5 October in areas that regressed a few weeks back. I have to say, I think the kids are well and truly ready to head back to school. This 6 month break is not seeming to be much fun without friends. Hopefully it is not another false start to the school year...

Now before we move on, grab yourself a coffee after all, it is International Coffee day on 1 October! So enjoy a cup of this amazing brew, as you read on. I kinda wish it was a nice carajillo in hand...I guess the espresso part will have to do...

Travel Updates


Since that initial rumour a couple of weeks ago about Varadero opening in October and the rest of Cuba in November we still haven't seen an official announcement come out. So we went looking behind the screens of our travel agent to see what we could find.


The answer is ... Not much, unfortunately.

He mentioned that there seem to be flights showing by Sunwing, Westjet and Air Canada to Varadero, Holguin and Santiago de Cuba. However they aren't available for booking in October/November. Which would mean that they are either on hold awaiting confirmation that the airport will actually open, or have already been delayed further.

Even internal flights - had to ask since so many of you were interested in Baracoa - are delayed till December.

So for now we just keep our eye on the news, official sites, and the carriers pages to see who can finally give us the amazing news!

One of the best things I have heard though, is that Westjet allows you to take one extra bag for free for Humanitarian aid and a bike for $50 if you wish to leave it as a transport option for a family. 💕



Our preferred accommodation option


We have been getting quite a number of comments and queries around all inclusive hotel packages, so I wanted to share this video with you this week in case you missed it on Social Media.

At Simply Cuba we want to give you a truly authentic Cuban experience. As such we do not stay at hotels or provide all inclusive hotel packages. We stay with the local people and enjoy their hospitality.

This also means that you get an insight to their lives, the community, the entertainment. You get to really see what Cuba is about... Not from a place that most Cubans dream about (hotels) but actually from their angle. We find that it gives a much more fun experience. It can be truly eye opening.

In saying that you must know that there are casas for locals and there are casas for tourists. The differences are to do with prices, currencies used (at this stage anyway) and of course the comforts offered. Even within the ones available to 'Westerners', there are differences. We made our standard rooms the highest standard you can get i.e. with aircon, nice mattress and the like. Some may call it premium, but we want to ensure you are as comfortable as you can be on your stay.

What's on the blog this week?

We also had many divers interested in tours. And we have good news!!! Whilst there is not a diving tour on offer, we have just had a new guide join our team who has his diving ticket and loves diving. So he is putting together his dream dive tour to take all our keen drivers on.

The best thing is, the group will be limited to 4 people, so you can jump in to his 1960s Ford with a massive boot to take you on a trip of a life time! So watch this space, and in the mean time check out the 5 best Scuba diving spots in Cuba!

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Tell us...

If you could travel to Cuba right now, what would you like to know before your trip?

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