Subject: What I'd love to be doing right now....

Enjoying a holiday of course!


Hola Friend,

Como estas? How have you been? Here in Australia it is getting colder, meanwhile our Simply Cuba Tour is about to kick off with Yunior taking our lovely travellers around Cuba and I can't help but wish I was there!

The beautiful Caribbean sunshine, warm air, lovely people and of course mojitos would be a perfect way to wind down. Lucky Yoanis has been cranking up the beats and we have room in the living room to do the salsa and with our chance to be featured in the upcoming LiveRecipeMagazine, I have also been enjoying the taste of Cuba even more at home and sharing the love with anyone who is willing to taste. 😅

We have some fab tours coming up at the end of the year and also in early 2024! Actually was pulling out the diving images of the live aboard tour. Jardines de la Reina is just magnificent. Chechk these images of the Silky and Caribbean Sharks by Andy Schmidt. Just beautiful.

Great thing about the liveaboard tour is that you get to experience both the warm hospitality of the people on land and experience the culture first hand, but you also get to see this amazing untouched paradise and learn about the great conservation work in the area. Learn more about the importance and beauty of Jardines de la Reina in today's article. 

Have a fabulous weekend!

Speak soon,

Orsolya & Yoanis

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