Subject: News from the ground in Cuba - 💌 SimplyCubaTours

What we have found so far...


Hola Friend,

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Woohoo! I made it 😃 It was interesting to be travelling over. Out of Australia the plane was half full, and the travelers were clearly set out for family reunions. I really felt sorry for the lady who was going to see her husband with 4 kids under 5 😱 She's managed well! Compared to the deserted Perth airport Doha was buzzing with life! The next flight to Madrid was basically empty, yet Madrid airport seemed like normal travel was happening everywhere! With people queuing up for flights everywhere. It was fantastic to have the full row for me on both the long flights as from Madrid to Havana was a different story! The plane was absolutely full!

Arriving in Havana, the customs process went seamlessly and easily and then finally... I got to see Yoanis again. It was such a magical moment.

Since then we have been around Havana, Vinales, Playa Larga - have done many firsts from our list. Having a great time, the sad part is that we had to reschedule tours from February March and April with airlines around the world stopping flights again.

On the ground we are finding that many places once buzzing have now turned into a ghost town. Nevertheless there are still people around, but certainly not as many as before. I will tell you more about it shortly (in fact will give you a whole travel diary sequence once I get proper internet connection!)... for now I have got to run, Trinidad to remap and rediscover.

Hablamos luego,


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