Subject: Latest Cuba Update 💌 - SimplyCuba

Hola Friend,

Another week having gone by quickly. Which is rather exciting, it means we must be getting closer to things going back to normal... Surely! It's been 7 months since the world has come to a halt... I guess we have seen some good things come out of it in some areas, like working from home is now a norm not an exception in Australia at least. Which is a positive really for some jobs, although nothing replaces human interaction, but on the other hand people can cut travel time to and from the office. And in places like Sydney where 10kms can take you 3 hours is a real bonus for the people and the environment! 💕

On the other hand however tourist areas are very heavily hit. Cuba, Bali, Ibiza... where tourism is the main industry, the pictures are bleak. Having the main industry cut means a lot of challenges for the local people. 😥In Canada there was an article yesterday sharing the challenges finding supplies in Cuba at the moment. Unfortunately that will not get better till the borders open, so let's hope it can happen soon!

Good news is, there seems to be some movement...

Travel Updates


As we mentioned the Cayos are currently open with flights operating from Montreal. Any all inclusive deals, please check Canada Air website, as they are the ones who are operating the flights and offer packages.


Varadero airport is having its final check today. Although it is not yet confirmed, our agent could see flights available from October. Cubacute this morning has also provided information that Canada Air has flights and packages available from October from Toronto to Varadero. It may be worth giving them a call. 👍


Same deal as the Cayos however, you will have to stay within the tourist area, cannot go on the main island and the places are only open for international tourists. There are also a reduced number of hotels that will be working at this time.


The more exciting news that we are waiting confirmation on is that Cuba as a whole will reopen on 1 November, you may have seen this article on our page. We haven't been able to officiate it, so don't want to get ahead of ourselves. With the increased number of positive cases, we feel it could be premature do do such a thing, as much as we would like to deliver this awesome news, we'd rather deliver it once we can confirm it really is happening. 💕


This is the news that everyone wants to hear! I have to say, I'll be cracking a bottle of champagne and applying for a way out of here when that happens... Because not only I can't get in to Cuba at the moment, we also cannot leave Australia... but that's another story!



What is ahead for Simply Cuba


I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that we have postponed all our tours to January 2021. But why do we do tours?


I have been watching posts on our Facebook page and am finding that many people like to stay in one place and mostly in hotels. I understand comforts, and it is nice to spoil me at times, but I am a big fan of truly discovering a place when I am there. This means, as much as I can, staying with the locals. I really loved doing this in Europe - Venice is a whole other experience! -, Korea, around Australia and especially in Cuba 💕 You get truly immersed into the culture, into the life and enjoy people's hospitality. In Cuba, I truly felt like I was coming home to long lost relatives the first time around! And it gets better from there 🤗

Which is why we stay at casas. As mentioned it also gives back to the local community directly as casas are privately owned.

But why the tours??

Because there is so much more to see than Havana, Varadero or Holguin... there are some beautiful sights - some you will only find with a local tour guide! -, there is so much history, there are so many interesting places and activities, you cannot experience it all in one place. We want to show you more of this amazing place. Our guides are passionate about their country, with their love for this place you can see Cuba in a whole new light.


If you haven't seen our tours yet, or wonder what they are about, I'd encourage you to check out our Small Group Tours page for more information. Hope to make your next trip magical!


Check Group Tours

What's on the blog this week?

Cuba has some amazing waterfalls, beaches, birdlife and lush green jungles. Most of it is like an untouched paradise. El Dorado always comes to mind when I think of Cuba.

One of the reasons it can stay so amazingly beautiful is because Unesco has declared several areas as Biosphere reserves in Cuba, as such they are protected so their beauty can be enjoyed for generations to come.

Out of the 9 areas, you can visit 6, where you can reconnect with mother nature and recharge your batteries.

Read the Blog

Tell us...

If you could travel to Cuba right now, what would you like to know before your trip?

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