Subject: How we dealt with flight delays...

so our clients could still have their holiday

Hola Friend,

como estas? Hope you have been well.

We had a bit of a rough start to the months with bad weather looming around the US. Our lovely family made it, just in the nick of time and had a fabulous time! But our second lot of travellers were stranded all the way back at the US. 😱

Whilst they were at the airport got the first message of delay for a few hours, extended to 12 hours, which meant that they had no connecting flights to make it all the way to Havana. Not the way you want to start your holiday!

However, as they were in constant communication with me, at least we could assist them. Cancelled their accommodation and arrangements ASAP, and once the airline could re-confirm their flights, we made the new arrangements. So albeit a week later, but they also managed to have a fabulous time on their get away.

Imagine if you spent countless hours scouring the internet to curate your itinerary, select, book and pay for your accommodation, arrange activities, have everything lined up perfectly and whilst you are at the airport the well laid plans all fall apart! 😱😱😱

How would you be trying to rearrange everything???

See, when you have us in your corner, we sort everything out for you as long as you keep us posted on what's happening. In this case, we even managed to get an extra night for the original price with the re-juggle. Can't promise that every time, but what a bonus! I am glad they had a fab time. They may jut be back at a future date too 🥰

Meanwhile Yoanis and I are getting a tad bit excited! We have been invited to appear on the Runaway Suitcase podcast. Will be chatting to the lovely Deanne Scanlan about all things Cuba on the next episode, out in September. Can't wait, especially as I love it when Yo and i get to do these things together. After all, he is the Cuban one. One thing to hear it form me - Miss 'Fan girl' here - and another when you get to hear the local insight on how travel to Cuba helps communities - and not just the funding, even gaining a new perspective in life.

I am always fascinated listening to his stories of encountering travellers. On one level, about the things he learnt about the world from travellers before he got to travel. (and those lessons are continuing now that he is travelling himself) On another level, hearing about questions, requests some travellers had... I mean, my son decided to have his first tattoo whilst on our first trip 😆 so if you need one of the best tattoo artists in Trinidad - Yoanis tracked him down for us. People from all around the world visit him to get work done!

One of the favourite questions is - how many football fields would you fill with all the propaganda signs around Cuba? - Have to say, we haven't yet figured out the estimate, but trust me, it'd be many!

Meanwhile, when was the list time you checked out our 'Travel inspiration' pages? We have some great updated info on there around travel insurance, need to know, fancy bakeries, some local insights and more.

Feel free to check it out, whether you are preparing for a holiday or still sitting on the fence.

Hablamos mas tarde,

Orsolya and Yoanis

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