Subject: A big week of changes for Cuba 💌 - SimplyCuba

Hola Friend,

Como estas? I have to say I am wondering where on earth the week has gone?

Today I had to take some time to slow down and catch my breath...

Some of you may know that Simply Cuba is part Australian and part Cuban Company. Personally I am stuck in Australia having had my travel cancelled in April. Yoanis is navigating life in Cuba. COVID has not been easy! Which is why at times I need to take 5 to remember why we started and where we are heading...

I love spring!!! I love the flowers blooming, the bees out (especially when they don't decide to attack me), the colors, the fragrances. Just so pretty! It's also time for transformation... From crappy, cold, grey, horrible days to ones filled with sunshine and warmth. I am really looking forward to the minimum temperature being 20.

Oh how I miss those balmy Cuban nights! So let me tell you where we are at...

Travel Updates

So many changes this week!!!! I think better try to put them in a dot form...

  • Airports are closed till 1 October at this stage, with regional airports to Cayos having the opportunity to get approval to re-open if they meet the government health and hygiene regulations

  • Jardines del Rey has received the first flight from Montreal on Friday 4 September, people on this flights were welcomed in one of 4 hotels for all inclusive stays and cannot venture out on past the hotel boundaries. These flights are not regular, in fact I cannot find any moving forward 😥

  • Sancti Spiritu is now under lockdown and quarantine also, due to the rise in numbers of cases in that province

  • Travel from UK is still permitted, but as at 8 September 2020, you are required to complete a 14 day self isolation at home upon return.

  • No travel from US yet, however if you were planning on doing so, please check with the Cuban embassy whether you can. Visa options were limited before and with recent changes I heard rumors that using the previous visa class available before may mean that you are breaking the law. So please, check what options you may have!

We will keep an eye out for any positive movements in regional airports!

Realistically till Havana can make it back to Phase 3, things will not be back to 100% normal. Let's hope that is sooner, rather than later! 🤞

Tested to date








What's on the blog this week?

Not sure about you, but I am terrified under water... It took me a lot to put a mask on and being able to breathe to admire the beautiful world under water, so I totally envy those who can dive and go into the depths of the ocean and discover the amazing world under there!

So many of them have asked about the spots to dive in in Cuba that we had to ask around and find the best places. Zapata Peninsula has a few speccy spots to check out!

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If you could travel to Cuba right now, what would you like to know before your trip?

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