Subject: 2024 is the year for Cuba travel (new tours coming!)

Welcome back!

Hola Friend,

Como estas? Happy New Year!

I hope you had a fabulous break and time to reconnect with friends and family. We were very excited to close the year out with a multi generational and multi-family trip in Cuba. Whilst the weather didn't turn the sunshine on to start with, Vinales delivered it's charm as usual. Yunior had a great time in delivering the tour and is looking forward to more to come in 2024!

Meanwhile we had a very quiet one over here, good thing was that we spent some time introducing Yoanis to some more new things 😃Always exciting to introduce him to a new experience! Even more exciting is to see how his thinking changes around some things. Never thought I'd see him interested in mindset things or learning about the mind-body connection! So watch this space.

We didn't just do fun things! We also got to revamp the website a little in the last few weeks! Said good bye to some of our old group tours, there will be some new ones added in the next few weeks, will share them with you as they become available - meanwhile feel free to check our current 2024 itineraries. We will be publishing early 2025 dates shortly as well, as we are starting to receive private tour enquiries for then already. Which leads us to our exciting news!

As we have received many private itinerary inquiries, we decided to share with you how that works, cutting out the guessing game. Whilst we will run any of our pre-designed itineraries for 2 people at any time it suits them, we can also design a bespoke tour just for you! It's a very easy process. Check it out 👉 here.

In case you are wondering what's with all the rum pictures today, I also finished writing our 140th blog.. I always love writing our articles, with what to see, what to do, where to go.. and sometimes about history with a difference (in case you haven't read about the pirates of the Caribbean - check it out!), this time that quirky history is about the rum and rum making in Cuba - will be the first blog for the year, coming soon! - as it's yet another item in Cuba that has caught the eyes of the world, and the masters of the Cuban rum and their skills and knowledge is being recognised.

Do you like Cuban rum? We have been trying various different ones, and the Havana Club 7 year old still has Yoanis' heart. If you have any recommendations on ones to try, let us know! I have to say, he doesn't like any spiced ones...

Well that's all folks, we are slowly easing back to things. So if you have any questions, queries or suggestions how we can assist you better this year, please feel free to let us know!

Have a fabulous day!

Orsolya & Yoanis

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