Subject: [JV] BlogDefender JV News update Fri

[JV] BlogDefender JV News update Fri

December 14th, 2012 at 6:20 pm EDT

Hi, yup, it's the 5am (ish) JV News update on BlogDefender, will I ever see daylight again..? ;-) the leaderboard has been fairtly steady today, no changes, just a lot of consolidation as people secure there spots and open bigger leads on those beh ...

[JV] BlogDefender JV News update EPC=$2+

December 13th, 2012 at 7:08 pm EDT

Hi, yup, it's the 5am JV News update on BlogDefender, so much for getting an early night... ;-) there's been some more shake ups in the leader, with a new #1! You can read it all, and see the latest leaderboard results here: - http://blogdefen ...

[JV] BlogDefender JVNews update Day 3

December 12th, 2012 at 7:08 pm EDT

Hi, it's the 5am JV News update on BlogDefender, I really must try and get some sleep... lol! You can read it all, and see the latest leaderboard results, there's been some more changes, here: - the page includes ...

[BlogDefender JV News] JVZoo Top Seller & EPC = $1.99

December 11th, 2012 at 12:33 am EDT

Hi, just a quick update, BlogDefender managed to get "Top Seller Of The Day" on JVZoo, with well over 500 sold, that's not a bad start for my first launch in 18 months... I've set up a JV News Page with the up to date leaderboard on it here: - htt ...

'Weekly' News Summary - Backlinks & conversions...

December 9th, 2012 at 1:10 pm EDT

Hi, thanks for everyone who's helped out with feedback, comments and suggestions for BlogDefender, we'll be launching tomorrow at 9am EST! I do have 2 quickies that I want to mention today, the first is going to double in price in the next few days ...

'Weekly' News Summary - Blog Security

November 25th, 2012 at 10:41 am EDT

Hi, Do you own/run a blog? If you do, is it secure..? I run LOTS of blogs, so I know a bit about getting hacked, it's happened to me more than once, and the number of attacks on my blogs has dramatically increased this year. So myself and my henc ...

MattGarrett Weekly News Nov 2012 - Blog Posts & Security

November 18th, 2012 at 6:27 am EDT

Hi, it's starting to look like I really should have called this my "Monthly" Newsletter, rather than weekly, but at least you can see I'm being true to my word and not mailing more than once a week... :) I've got a selection of blog posts for you t ...

Stop! Take a look back, before...

October 14th, 2012 at 12:30 pm EDT

Hi, So it's Sunday, how's your week been? why not take a bit of time today to have a think about What you did last week that moved your business forward? and what you can get done this week thjat will take you one step closer to making some/more ...