Subject: More PLR than you can shake a stick at...

More PLR than you can shake a stick at...

March 17th, 2013 at 9:15 am EST

Hi, PLR comes in different "shapes & Sizes", i.e. some of it is a LOT better than others. Quiclink: There's one guy who for the last 10 years has been providing some of the very best quality PLR packages, I've bought and pro ...

'Weekly' News: Plugins MRR & Bonus Offers

March 15th, 2013 at 7:22 am EST

Hi, 3 blog posts for you this week, 2 with bonus offers... #1: WP Optins Software Resale Rights for you... ever wanted your own top quality, high demand WP Plugin to sell..? *My Bonus Offe ...

Plugin Increases Commissions by 110%

March 15th, 2013 at 3:17 am EST

Hi, We all know that the money is in the list, but one thing I have realized is that the REAL money is the VALUE you provide to your list. One of the BEST ways to offer additional value while still promoting other products as an affiliate is to off ...

Your Own Tech Store Clone – Fast, Easy And Profitable...

March 14th, 2013 at 4:15 am EST

Hi, As you know the hardware business is extremely profitable. Laptops, tablets, desktops - we all have one or more and use them on a daily basis. Quiclink: With technology on the rise, people are always looking to ...

WP Optins Software Resale Rights for you...

March 13th, 2013 at 7:11 am EST

Hi, ever wanted your own top quality, high demand WP Plugin to sell..? Quicklink: ~> **Bonus details at bottom of email... this is 'Point-and-Click' software that creates sales funnels in minutes... WP Optins Elit ...

Zero Traffic to 1,712 Visitors a Day in Under 15 Days...

March 12th, 2013 at 7:24 am EST

Hi, this plugin has helped people go from ZERO traffic to over 1,700 visitors a day... The best part? They did it in under 15 days... Click here to see the proof: and there's more... another guy went from almost no traffic t ...

Your Own Tech Store Clone – Fast, Easy And Profitable...

March 10th, 2013 at 10:41 pm EST

Hi, As you know the hardware business is extremely profitable. Laptops, tablets, desktops - we all have one or more and use them on a daily basis. Quicklink: ~> With technology on the rise, people are always looking to buy ...

Amazon Affiliates Plugin...

March 10th, 2013 at 1:44 am EST

Hi, If you've got a site that you promote Amazon products from you're probably suffering the same thing as many Amazon affiliates, very few of your visitors actually take action [go and buy something] Quicklink: I know a top ...

'Weekly' News: Revitalize your old content...

March 8th, 2013 at 4:55 am EST

Hi, 3 very quick bits for you this week, all WordPress related, 2 plugins and 1 site clone... #1: If you're blog is more than a few months old you'll probably have noticed that your old content tends to get less and less traffic over time. this ne ...

Imagine if you could rank ALL your old DEAD content...

March 8th, 2013 at 2:59 am EST

Hi, Have your profits collapsed due to lost rankings? Like many, I am sure you have seen the rankings and traffic drop off the face of the earth on some sites... With the search engines making changes every week it’s enough to make you pull your ...