Subject: Matt Garrett JV's: List Magnet = 7 days + email swipes...

Matt Garrett JV's: List Magnet = 7 days + email swipes...

October 7th, 2014 at 7:35 am EDT

Hi, we're down to less than 7 days to the launch of WP List Magnet!! :-) We've got the 1st couple of email swipes up on the JV page - and we'll have review access and more swipes up soon, with sales page preview for y ...

Build A Website In TWO Minutes... [ends @ midnight]

October 7th, 2014 at 7:01 am EDT

Hi, Every internet marketer knows that the ONE RELIABLE way to make money online is to launch a website and drive traffic to it. Quicklink: ~> *Note: This is gone at midnight [EST] tonight!!! You can monetize it however you ...

Cut your bounce rate in half... [SEO Update to earlier email]

October 6th, 2014 at 6:04 pm EDT

Hi, ooops, that was close! in my earlier email today I promised I'd tell you about the SEO benefit this plugin brings brings to your site on Wednesday... Well, I just found out that their introductory offer ends tomorrow night, so I can#t leave it ...

Do you use Skype? [+SEO Benefit]

October 6th, 2014 at 2:00 pm EDT

Hi, I do and when that skype ringing noise starts up, it get's my attention IMMEDIATELY! I wanna know who it is and why they're calling, my attention is most defintely GRABBBED... Now imagine if you could grab your website visitors attention, in t ...

Your own hight ticket product funnel...

October 5th, 2014 at 5:31 pm EDT

Hi, If you missed the webinar I did Thursday night on Facebook Marketing with Sarah Staar then don't worry, we've just put the replay up for you! Quicklink: ~> Note: The webinar will only be available for the next couple of d ...

How to get backlinks & not fear Google...

October 4th, 2014 at 8:19 am EDT

Hi, Google has gold nuggets in their arsenal and they want to protect them... Quicklink: ~> You probably realise that Google is not exactly friendly to small business owners who just want organic search results, maybe beca ...

Last Nights FB Marketing Webby Replay is up for you...

October 3rd, 2014 at 5:45 pm EDT

Hi, If you missed the webinar I did last night on Facebook Marketing with Sarah Staar then don't worry, we've just put the replay up for you! Quicklink: ~> Note: The webinar will only be available for the next couple of days. ...

ROFLMAO!! She caught me out... [doh!]

October 3rd, 2014 at 8:03 am EDT

Hi, it's not often a marketing tactic fools me or catches me out nowadays, it's seldom that I see anything genuinley "new", let alone actually get caught out by something, but this one did... Quicklink: ~> *Note: I've pu ...

Finally, Membership sites made simple [last chance]

October 2nd, 2014 at 5:19 pm EDT

Hi, *Note: if you missed the webinar with Sarah Staar tonight, don't worry, we recorded it and I'll send out the replay link as soon as it's ready! :-) If you've ever tried to setup a membership based site you'll know what I'm talking about... Qui ...

Webinar starts in 60 mins: FB & High Ticket affiliate marketing training...

October 2nd, 2014 at 2:07 pm EDT

Hi, using facebook to generate leads for high ticket affiliate offers is simpluy the quickest & easiest way to turn a profit from scratch online nowadays... Quicklink: ~> ***STARTING in 60 minutes!! @ 3pm EST [8pm GMT] Most ...