Subject: More than just a keyword tool...

More than just a keyword tool...

December 9th, 2013 at 6:09 am EDT

Hi, watch the video below to see how this new software does more than just check keywords for you, like a LOT more... Quicklink: *Note: this is only going to be available for the next couple of days. This new Key ...

More than just a keyword tool...

December 9th, 2013 at 6:04 am EDT

Hi, watch the video below to see how this new software does more than just check keywords for you, like a LOT more... Quicklink: *Note: this is only going to be available for the next couple of days. This new Keyword softwa ...

Getting 12 million views in 48 hours...

December 8th, 2013 at 3:21 am EDT

Hi, I have a quick question for you.... Which of these scenarios is better? 1) Build a website, backlink, optimize, wait and hope for page 1 rankings that would bring you 100 visitors per day. 2) Pay $20 per day for 100 targeted visitors to a $10 ...

Getting 12 million views in 48 hours...

December 8th, 2013 at 3:20 am EDT

Hi, I have a question for you. Which of these scenarios is better? 1) Build a website, backlink, optimize, wait and hope for page 1 rankings that would bring you 100 visitors per day. 2) Pay $20 per day for 100 targeted visitors to a $10 offer tha ...

WPCheat News + Licensed Model Photos...

December 6th, 2013 at 6:19 am EDT

Hi, I've got 2 very quick bits for you today... 1st is some news on our WPCheat product, if you have already picked up a copy as a members only offer from WPSim, WPWebGraphics or PSMasterclass, then I wanted to let you know that the updates will be ...

WPCheat News + Licensed Model Photos...

December 6th, 2013 at 6:18 am EDT

Hi, I've got 2 very quick bits for you today... 1st is some news on our WPCheat product, if you have already picked up a copy as a members only offer from WPSim, WPWebGraphics or PSMasterclass, then I wanted to let you know that the updates will be ...

SEOUK JV: Our Best Selling Product That We've Never Sold...

December 5th, 2013 at 1:44 pm EDT

Hi, we're just over 5 days away from the WPCheat launch on Wed 11th Dec, have you grabbed your affiliate links yet..? You can grab your affiliate links and swipe emails from the JV page here: - Here's the link for the ...

Find THOUSANDS of long-tail keywords, in the blink of an eye...

December 5th, 2013 at 7:12 am EDT

Hi, It’s no secret that long-tail keywords are “golden” if you know how to properly uncover them. Millions have been made by just unleashing the power of long-tail keywords. The problem? Google made most tools that find the right keywords ...

Find THOUSANDS of long-tail keywords, in the blink of an eye...

December 5th, 2013 at 7:11 am EDT

Hi, It’s no secret that long-tail keywords are “golden” if you know how to properly uncover them. Millions have been made by just unleashing the power of long-tail keywords. The problem? Google made most tools that find the right keywords ...

Last chance for Affiliate Formula X...

December 4th, 2013 at 2:53 am EDT

Hi, the clock's is not only ticking, it's almost run out... Quicklink: Sarah Staar's Affiliate Formula X Webinar's will be gone at the end of today, this is your last chance to learn the complete affiliate marketin ...