Subject: 1 plugin = +300% social shares & +89% sales...

1 plugin = +300% social shares & +89% sales...

May 6th, 2013 at 6:24 am EDT

Hi, The one thing I know I can rely on when it comes to new Wordpress Plugins that I can use on any of my sites without question iswhen a new plugin is released by the guys over at WP Social. Quicklink: If you haven't h ...

Social Deals Plugin...

May 5th, 2013 at 8:42 am EDT

Hi, Groupon and Social Deal sites are very popular for good reason, they generate traffic and word of mouth social proof. Now you can add the same features to your site in minutes with this simpl WP Plugin... Quicklink: ...

WPSimulator JV News Update [bad news ;-]

May 2nd, 2013 at 6:31 pm EDT

Hi, bad news I'm afraid, we are now up to 2 refunds, out of over 800 sales, that's a 0.25% refund rate! :( I suppose that's not bad considering we had a bit of server downtime... lol! and I know I shouldn't tempt fate, but the new server does now ...

WP sites the professional way... [from SEO UK Ltd.]

May 1st, 2013 at 8:09 am EDT

Hi, WordPress is great right? Right up until it all goes wrong... You add a new plugin or change your theme and suddenly something breaks... The first thing that runs through your head is "How the heck do I fix this?" Then it dawns on you, your ...