Subject: Your website could already be dead... [BlogDefender]


in October 2012 security agencies such as FBI, CIA & GCHQ issued warnings
of “unprecedented levels of attack” – so if you haven’t already
been hacked – there is a good chance you will be soon...

take a look at some blog hacking in this video ~>

If you are running wordpress websites & you’re not sure what to do with
respect of website security, don't worry, I've put together a set of
step-by-step video tutorials that show you exactly what you need to do, all
using free WP plugins!

Don't leave it until it’s actually too late...

The first you know could be when you receive an email from your web host
that your account has been suspended, or worse yet, closed down entirely!

and that's not all, if your site has been hacked for a while and you’ve
not noticed, Google probably has, and they will have dropped it out of the

AND it can get even worse...

If you’re site has been used for a “phishing” attack to gather other
people’s online banking or PayPal login info (one of the more common
exploits) then you could be about to get a call from the real world
authorities, the Police!

Take the time to lock down your site now, and you won't end up losing a LOT
of time, money and sleep later...

Yes, I did make these videos, after extensive tesing across my network of
blogs over the last few months.

and yes, that really is my mum's blog in the video! :-)

It had no content and almost zero traffic (mum never got into blogging),
but it still got hacked and used for a phishing attack, which was why I
eneded up making these videos.

Matt Garrett

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Matt Garrett,
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GL52 2LY

& the best bits:

~# End Of Email #~