Subject: Would you like a Cartoon Mascot with your turkey?


It's Thanksgiving day over the pond in America, which is not something we
celebrate over here in the UK, just a regular grey & rainy day here, so if
you are celebrating in some way then I hope you have a fantastic day! :-)

I've got something a bit different to share today, it's both practical and


But first, here's a few 'pointers':

~ 90% or more marketers have zero graphics skills and end up paying out
fortunes for them.

~ creating graphics, ebook covers, headers, business cards, timeline
covers, banners, etc can make you easy money with the right tools.

~ your kids, grandkids or friends kids could make money using this simple

~ graphics are one of the most essential elements of any successful social
media marketing, blogging or sales page.

~ having graphics made for you by an expert costs thousands per year.

~ learning how to use the graphics software is very time consuming and
frustrating for some.

~ 'borrowing' images without permission can lead to thousands of dollars
of fines.

~ the copyright laws baffle most people.

~ everyone wants their content to be unique.

Within the above there are some real positives about graphics and also some
of the trials associated with having them created.

It goes without saying that graphics are VITAL if you are a marketer, they
can be expensive to have created and learning the software to do so
yourself is very time consuming.

So when I first saw this brand new and very clever graphics mascot creation
software, I was blown away at it's low price.

In the spirit of sharing and giving, I wanted to give you a head's up and
share this cool new tool before the price changes.

This really is a first of it's kind software that is simple to install with
full instructions included.

Once set, you can create thousands of variations of the Mascots and feel
secure knowing they are YOURS to use and even to sell.

A top professional designer is behind the creation of the Mascots and
you'll quickly see how you will be creating your very own versions.

check it out for yourself here:

Matt Garrett

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Matt Garrett,
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& the best bits:

~# End Of Email #~