Subject: 'Weekly' News: Freebies...


don't you just hate it when you do everything right and stuff still goes
'pear shaped'...

My son's new PC arrived today, after 48+ hours of "testing" by the company
who built it for me, and yet when I plugged it in and switched it on,
nothing! :-(

Sam's coming to stay for the weekend and we were planning on getting his
new PC all loaded up and tweaked, now it's going to be a case of boxing it
back up and sending it back! Grrr!

ah well, I guess the upside is we'll have time to go watch RIPD at the
movies... Always look for the upside, it's makes life's little 'hiccups'
easier to get past... ;-)

I've only got two quickies for you this week: -

#1: the price for the Ultimate Social plugin goes up on Monday, so if
you've not taken a look at this "Swiss Army Knife" of Social Media plugins,
then check out the video here: -


#2: Viral Traffic Secrets Free Report

The report features 3 power tips for dominating social media and raking in
tons of profitable viral traffic today.

+ A virtual treasure chest of over 21K profit pulling graphics you can
start using today to generate more traffic & sales!

+ Plus an exclusive sneak peak at a very exciting new viral traffic
generating WordPress theme that is about to rock the marketing world.

check it out here:

*NOTE: this doesn't open until 11am EST / 4pm GMT

that's it for this week, if you want to check out the training videos for
the Ultimate Social plugin just hit reply and let me know.

chat soon,
Matt Garrett

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~# End Of Email #~

Matt Garrett,
Suite 258
20 Winchcombe Street
GL52 2LY

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