Subject: 'Weekly' News: Don't judge a book by it's cover......


Only 1 bit of news for you this week, which is I've just released a massive
new web graphics pack and it's on a dimesale...

we've all heard the old phrase "don't judge a book by it's cover", and that
may be a good principle to live life by, but unfortunately the majority of
people will AND DO judge your website, in the first few seconds, almost
totally based on what it looks like...

Make your site stand out today:

If your site doesn't 'catch their eye', appeal to them, or just not look
interesting or 'professional' enough they will be gone!

The obvious and "simple" solution is to get some graphics made for you,
easy & cheap enough to outsource, right..?

If you've tried that then you'll already know that it's not often that
simple, or that cheap.

To start off with you need to have a fairly good idea of what you want,
then you need to get that information across to the designer in a way they
'get', otherwise you're going to end up with some graphics that you don't
like, and a whole bunch of your time is wasted...

Then of course there's the inevitable delays, good graphics designers are
in high demand, and usually have a whole bunch of clients they're working
on stuff for, so if you want them quick, you're going to have to pay extra.

Just a regular Blog Header and Footer graphic can knock you back $50-$60,
just for one!

So what's the solution?


Grab this massive collection of over 1.5GB of 'Web Ready' professional
quality graphics that you can start jazzing up your site with in just

Right now this is dirt cheap, way below what you'd pay a designer for just
a couple of graphics, but it's on a dime sale and is going up fast, so go
grab yours now: -

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

Weekly News:
Premium Domains:

P.S. Make your site stand out from the crowd in minutes ~>

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Matt Garrett,
Suite 258
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GL52 2LY

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