Subject: WPSimulator JV: Price rise in place, final leaderboard...


Thanks to everyone who has helped us out on the WPSim launch!!!

We had a slight delay in putting the price up, I wasn't aware that you
needed prior permissions from JVZoo to price something higher than $50,
oops, but we did get it up around lunch time on the 1st, and there have
even been sales still rolling in at the new $97 price point... :-)

WPSimulator sold over 1,600 units, with WPCheat adding a further 850+ sales
on the backend, and over $37,000 paid out to our JV partners!

We do have the final leaderboard, although you'll notice that somehow I
managed to have slipped on there in spot #9, so for the official
leaderboard I've obviously excluded myself and pushed everyone else below
up a spot, popping Jovanna & Leah of MarketingGene in at #10. :)

Position - Name
#1 - MemberSpeed Inc (Simon & Jeremy)
#2 - John Thornhill
#3 - Danny Webber
#4 - Burlan Danut-Ion
#5 - Ken Reno
#6 - IM Wealth Builders (Soren, Cindy & John)
#7 - JP Schoeffel
#8 - Richard Fairbairn
#9 - MAO Flynn
#10 - MarketingGene

and just outside the top ten: -

Ben Shaffer, Phan Lam Tuan, Brad Gosse, Mike Johnson, John Barker, Shane
Williams, Tony Shpeherd,
Mark Lyford, Simon & Randy, Martin Avis, Michael Formby, Todd Spears, Chris
Jenkins, Dave Nicholson, Frank Haywood, Richard Legg, Bill & John, Kevin
Riley, Chris Freville, Dean Holland and Richard Wing.

Thanks again to everyone who has helpes us out on this launch!

The spot prize for the 1,500th sale goes to: Burlan Danut-Ion
And the spot prize for the highest front end conversion goes to: JP

If you picked up a spot prize or placed on the leaderboard please get in
touch with your PayPal email address and I'll get the commissions out to
you this week.

Both WPSimulator and BlogDefender are designed as evergreen products, so
should continue to make you healthy commissions for months to come, and
please keep your eyes peeled for our next launch in July... :)

thanks again, and, as always, if I can help you with anything, always feel
free to get in touch, and thanks again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69