Subject: WPSimulator JV: Price Hike + Freebie graphics + Spot Prizes...


Wow, it’s been a busy few weeks... from a product launch scripted by
Looney Tunes, to server management done by Jim Henson... to our liquor
fuelled brains at Alex Jeffrey’s weekend... but we're not done yet!

First of all, even though we are now over $44 for the front end, the
average conversion has gone up from 7.28% to 7.41%, so we're still hitting
the mark with our visitors and converting them to paying customers for you!

The big news is that we're going to be raising the price to $97 on June
1st, so it's time to get those 'fence sitters' down of the fence and in the
front door... ;-)

We've also added tutorials for ioncobe loaders and WP multisite, in
response to requests from existing members.

AND to help you with clickthroughs we've added a freebie download of 21,000
web graphics that people can use on their blogs today!

There's not optin or squeeze required for these, we're not trying to grab
your list!

There's a regular link at the bottom of the sales page that takes them to
the "Offers" page (again no login or email required).

The "offers" page includes some offers from our top 10 JV's from the
BlogDefender launch, as a thankyou to our JV's, and yes we will be doing
the same for our top JV partners on WPSimulator when we do our next big
launch in July, so you really do want to grab a spot on the leaderboard...

We're also catching up on the "spot" prizes, here's the winners for the
first 3: -

$50 for the 100th sale = Richard Fairburn
$50 for the 500th sale = Simon & Jeremy
$50 for the 1000th sale = Dave Nicholson

And there's $50 up for grabs for the 1500th sale which is closing fast!

There's also been a few of changes on the leaderboard, you can check them
out on the JV partners news page here: -

And don't forget the competition for blog post reviews for one of the ipad
mini's is wide open, we've only had a couple of people submit an entry so

If you haven't already got it, here's the page to grab your link from:

and there's more email swipes, graphics etc. on the WPSimulator JV Partners
page here: -

Below is a new Swipe Email for you, and don't forget there's plenty more on
the JV Partners page [link is above]: -


##Subject Lines:

WPSimulator price increase...
Go WP Pro while you still can...



The huys have been working hard to make the 'must have' WordPress tool even
better, they've added a bunch of extras that their members have been asking

There's now tutorial videos for ioncube loaders AND for using WP multisite!

AND they're giving away 20,000+ free images that you can use today on your

*Note: not optin is required to grab these free images...

and they're not done yet, over the next couple of weeks they're going to be
adding even more bang up to date, ste-by-step WordPress video tutorials to
make sure anyone can get a blog set up the right way from scratch!

check it out here: -


Breaking News!

The price on WPSimulator will be jumping up to $97 at the end of the month,
so you need to get in now...

kind regards,
Your Name


If I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in touch, and
thanks again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69