Subject: WPSimulator JV News Update [bad news ;-]


bad news I'm afraid, we are now up to 2 refunds, out of over 800 sales,
that's a 0.25% refund rate! :(

I suppose that's not bad considering we had a bit of server downtime...

and I know I shouldn't tempt fate, but the new server does now seem to be
standing up properly, even running fairly quickly.

although I will say I'm still more that a little dissapointed with the
level of support offered by LiquidWeb Host, feel free to hit reply if you
have any views to share, I feel another rant blog post about hosts coming
on... :-)

Let's start with the best bits:

sales 850+
Refunds: 2

Front End Conversion: 7.88%
Front End EPC: $2.35

Back End Conversion: 44.54%
Back End EPC: $8.88

Combined End EPC: $3.05

We still getting many partners with even higher conversion rates & EPC's,
especially on the backend!

for example:

Best front end conversion = 21.25% [the 'frenchman']
Best backend conversion = 75%
*both based on min of 15 sales

we have another new swipe email below, we think you'll like it!

If you haven't already got it, here's the page to grab your link from:

and there's more info, graphics etc. on the WPSimulator JV Partners page
here: -

We're also running a JV competition again, which you can see the details of
here: -

We didn't get time to get the JV Partners news page up today, we'll be
working on that tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled for myr next email. :)

Here's the new WPSimulator Swipe Email...


##Subject Lines:

Matt says sorry!
He's apologising...
First time I've heard him say this!



If you one of the thousands of people who landed on a blank screen when
trying to look at WPSimulator on Wednesday, then Matt sends you his sincere

Here's what this guy is like, whilst shouting at the host might have felt
good, he was busy getting the server back up AND getting in touch with all
his customer to make sure they knew what was happening and that it was
being dealt with.

Despite the server being dowen for over 2 hours and hundreds of customers
not being able to get access to what they had paid for, Matt keep on top of
it by getting in touch with all his customers to let them know what was
happening that that he was on top of it.

That's also one of the reasons why there's only been 2 refunds after 800+

How often do you hear of a 0.2% refund rate?

Product developers that do actually care and put their customers first..?

of course that refund rate is also down to it being a high quality product
that really does deviver something totally different to the usual cr4p you
see peddled day after day...

this is why we're happy to recommend these guys to you, their product is
top notch, AND they take put their customer first.

If you use WordPress you really should take a minute to check this out...


This is on a Dimesale, so go grab it while the price is still low!

Kind regards,


P.S. If develop sites for clients this will let you do it all offline so
you can get it all just right before the client ever see anything, just
like the Pro's do...

here’s the link again: – <>


If I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in touch, and
thanks again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69