Subject: WPSimulator JV: New Swipe email: 48 hours left...


2 days left before the price rise, who's going to stay on the leader board,
who's getting to get pushed off..?

Even the mighty Simon & Jeremy are being closed on fast by the mysterious
'Danny Webber'!

You can check the leader board here: -

The 1,500th sale spot prize is coming up for grabs, will it be yours?

We're also offering a spot prize for the highest conversion rate and you
only need 10 sales to qualify, who's going to grab that..?

The front end conversions are still holding steady at around 6.8%, even
with the price topping out, and the overall EPC's are still over $3

We even have one JV partner who has been pulling in 3% front end
conversions on solo ads and paid traffic... :-)

We're still short on entries for the blog post reviews competition, so that
ipad mini is going to be easy for someone to grab...

I promised a new swipe email for you, here it is, it will also be on the page with all the others: -


##Subject Lines:

Become a WP Pro: last 48 hours...
Use WP the safe way... [Price rise in 48 hours]
Using WP without the worries... [48 hours left]
Don't let them see you break it... [48 hours left]



WordPress is great right up until something breaks, which happens more
often than it should...

Now you don't have to worry about any of your visitors or customers seeing
your site when it's broken, check out how to develop on WP like a Pro here:


**Note: The price more than doubles at the end of this week!

The sheer volume of plugins and themes available for WordPress is a big
part f what makes it such a great way to build web sites, but it's also a
big part of the problem...

with so many themes and plugins, they don't all play well together, and you
don't know which new plugin or theme is going to break your site.

if you're trying things out live then the moment you break the site
everyone of your visitors and customers is going to see it and know...

NOT the impression you want to make, right?

No problem, with this new Pro WP tool you can do all your site development
and testing locally on your PC, MAC or laptop...

You can make all the mistakes you want, and get them fixed quickly and
easily, with no one ever knowing it happened.

this is why you never see the Pro's messing up their sites, they use the
same tools to get things just right 'locally', before deploying their new
site live!

Now you can do exactly the same, check out how here: -


here's a taste of the feedback from people who have already tried this out:

Wish this was around when I first started to use WP. As then I would not of
spent all that money paying someone to fix the mistakes I had made. Wow!
For $50 what a deal!

- Andrew Ward

I have to say that WP Simulator is by far the most value for money buy I
have made in 10 years or so online.

Not only that, the quality of the video tutorials is so high even I managed
to get it up and running easily, and have my first Localhost live site
imported and ready test without a hitch.

Matt seemed to have every angle covered as he worked through the video
tutorials. Very professional.

- Roy

Thank you so much for creating this product. You have saved me countless
hours of website downtime not to mention the loss of potential customers
due to a broken site when one of my "experiments" failed to work. You guys
are the greatest!

- Kathy Ball

If you are new to the WordPress scene or just starting into this business,
this is a must-have.

If you are a seasoned pro, then you bet your a** this is a must have!

If this product sold for $150, I would still get it in a heartbeat. I’ve
been in this business for over a decade and WP Simulator delivers, period.

- Bob Blanchard

If you are on the fence about this product then climb down off of the fence
now and get WP Simulator before it’s to late. This is a must have for any
WordPress user. I can assure you if you don’t get it, the time will come
when you wished you had.

On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 = sucks and 5 = Total Awesomness, WP Simulator
is a 5 PLUS!

- Steve Haase

Why hasn’t anyone done this before??

- Greg Smithhisler

Go grab your copy and become a WP Pro before the price goes up on Friday: -


Kind regards,


P.S. If develop sites for clients this will let you do it all offline so
you can get it all just right before the client ever see anything, just
like the Pro's do...

here’s the link again: – <>


If I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in touch, and
thanks again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69