Subject: WPSimulator JV: New Swipe + Testimonials + JV News Page done...


ok, first up my apologies for no JV updates for a few days over the
weekend, I had to go watch Iron Man 3 with my son, among a few others
things... ;-)

2nd, I've included another new swipe email down below that I think you're
going to like!

It's based on 11 of the best testimonials we've recevied, and they are

we're getting these testimonials popped on to the main sales page and they
should be up there within the next hour or so, but please feel free to
check that they are before mailing this swipe.

3rd, in the first 5 days of the WPSimulator launch we've paid out more to
affiliates than in the first 5 months with BlogDefender, so we really do
seem to have hit a sweet spot, as you'll see from the great feedback in the

We have now got a JV News page up so you can easily keep up to date with
the JV Competition and get a quick look at all the "Numbers".

You can check out the new page here: -

as a taster, the overall Combined EPC is now at $4.80

and the highest front end [WPSim] conversion = 21.2%

and the highest back end [WPCheat] conversion = 71.43%

*Note: that's based on partners with at least 10 sales

you can see more numbers on the JV Partners News Page.

If you're not on the leaderboard yet, there's still time, get mailing and
grab one of those prizes!

If you haven't already got it, here's the page to grab your link from:

and there's more email swipes, graphics etc. on the WPSimulator JV Partners
page here: -

Here's the new WPSimulator Swipe Email, feel free to just choose the
testimonials that you like the best...


##Subject Lines:

Don't take our word for it...
Word is spreading...
It's not just us...
They just keep coming...



The word is spreading, the glowing testimonials for this 'must have'
WordPress tool just keep on coming...

don't take our word for it, check out the testimonials here: -


Just purchased WP simulator and WP Cheat. Wish this was around when I first
started to use WP. As then I would not of spent all that money paying
someone to fix the mistakes I had made. Wow! For $50 what a deal!

- Andrew Ward

the Cheat Sheets, this is something I will cherish forever. This was the
problem I was having... everytime I would get a wordpress sight up I never
knew how or what to put on it... but thanks to the cheat sheets its all
Thanks Matt... great Job!

- Cheryl Kolpin Marko

I have to say that WP Simulator is by far the most value for money buy I
have made in 10 years or so online.

Not only that, the quality of the video tutorials is so high even I managed
to get it up and running easily, and have my first Localhost live site
imported and ready test without a hitch.

Matt seemed to have every angle covered as he worked through the video
tutorials. Very professional.

- Roy

wow, Wow, WOW ... Great timing, Matt!!

I already have “Blog Defender” and when I saw this offer yesterday it
was a “no-brainer”...

the “clean themes” and overview of essential and suggested plugins is
much needed and appreciated and are a HUGE time saver. Thanks!

Why hasn’t anyone done this before??

Congratulations on a job VERY well done! I’m looking forward to your next

- Greg Smithhisler

WP Simulator is a STELLAR product and was more than worth the wait!

I have been in this IM game for some time now and I have been through the
pain and aggravation of screwing a WordPress site into the ground and
having to rebuild from backups or even worse, scratch.

WP Simulator has now given me the freedom to create a copy of my live site
on my local computer for me to test new things on without the fear of
bringing down the live site.

Very cool!

If you are on the fence about this product then climb down off of the fence
now and get WP Simulator before it’s to late. This is a must have for any
WordPress user. I can assure you if you don’t get it, the time will come
when you wished you had.

On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 = sucks and 5 = Total Awesomness,
WP Simulator is a 5 PLUS!

- Steve Haase

As an internet marketer, I can assure you that this product beats the basic
‘localhost’ install I used to use 5 years ago until the present.

There is no clutter or aggravation anymore. Don’t think this is some
rehash of a local host installation, WP Simulator is the ultimate test

If you are new to the WordPress scene or just starting into this business,
this is a must-have.

If you are a seasoned pro, then you bet your a** this is a must have!

If this product sold for $150, I would still get it in a heartbeat. I’ve
been in this business for over a decade and WP Simulator delivers, period.

- Bob Blanchard

I know how good your products were I just bought this without a second

As usual you are working hard to help us make money.

Thanks and I really look forward to using my new toy. It is going to save
me hours as I have a lousy Internet connection as I live up a mountain and
am the last phone on the line. Working off-line will be miraculous.

- Di Chapman

this all looks awesome.
I’ve wanted an offline solution for a long time & here it is... Thanks!

- Tony Bartlett

I think I would rate this as perhaps one of THE best programs I’ve
purchased so far.

I wish this had been around when I first started on this journey as I’ve
always been concerned about WP falling over, being hacked, breaking etc as
I’ve heard happens a lot.

This concern meant I hadn’t actually started anything – I was always
looking for that something to reassure me – and here it is!

The tutorials are fantastic, short, well put together, Matt’s voice is
very easy to listen to and altogether a very professional set up.

So glad I made this purchase! Thanks to Matt and his team. Job very well

- Niki Bullas

your program that came to me “thanks to God (?)” just at the right
time, not only for my personal WP usage but also for my WP workshop
projects here in France (now that I have the main problem solved: how to
teach WP to somebody that hasn’t already got his host and domain name +
how to run WP locally on both PC and Mac)!

I watched all the videos and you should have heard me say
“Génial ! Formidable ! Super !” all along the way... :-)

Everything works like a charm, the xampp installation was almost too easy

WP Cheat is also a great tool, when I understood that I could get rid of
most of my graphic shortcode plugins (a “ahaaa” moment!) which are a
big problem in case you want to deactivate them, there was no doubt that I
would get it.

With Blog Defender that I already purchased before, you give to us
priceless and must have WP tools, the ones that every WP blogger should

Again: THANKS!

- Alexandra Lemonnier

If I had to choose one thing I liked best about WP Simulator I would be
like a starving hound dog in a butcher shop. This product is absolutely the
best I have ever seen.

The list of essential plugins that you provided is worth twice the price I
paid for this product alone!

Add to that the exceptionally well done training videos, the amazingly easy
to use WP Simulator itself and you have a product that anyone who has ever
built a website using Wordpress dreams about.

Thank you so much for creating this product. You have saved me countless
hours of website downtime not to mention the loss of potential customers
due to a broken site when one of my "experiments" failed to work.
You guys are the greatest!

- Kathy Ball

Take a look at this brand new WordPress tool now and see for yourself why
it's getting such rave reviews and feedback: -


kind regards,
Your Name


If I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in touch, and
thanks again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69