Subject: Using Podcasts for free Traffic... [auto software]


I sent you an email last week for a series of free videos all about using
Podcasts for getting traffic and building optin lists, well, now the
software behind automating this tactic is up for grabs...

Quicklink: ~>

*I'm grabbing a copy of this for myself to add to my own marketing efforts,
so I will be sharing my results in a blod post or two over the coming
weeks, but I recommend you check out the software today while it's on the
discount offer!

This software helps you build targeted mailing lists, build stronger
relationships with your subscribers and ultimately turn them into buyers,
by levaraging the power of the podcasting networks.

But, if you're like me, you probably don't have a CLUE where to start when
it comes to doing all this effectively...

That's because, until now, there hasn't been a single system available that
can power the whole process and walk you through it step by step!

That's exactly where this software package comes in, and is one of the most
powerful ways to generate an audience and subscriber list I have seen!

If you want to see this incredible software in action for the first time,
and find out how to get your hands on it, you need to watch the demo

here's the link to use: ~>

If you're sick of trying hard to seek out customers and would prefer to
have them seek YOU out, this is for you!

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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~# End Of Email #~

Matt Garrett,
Suite 258
20 Winchcombe Street
GL52 2LY

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