Subject: Use Facebook like an autoresponder... [plugin]


We all have the same problem, our email inbox just gets busier & busier

the same is true for all your prospects, so your emails to them get read
less & less often...

you need a way to reach out to them that doesn't get buried in their inbox,
a way that they can't miss, that they're actually looking for...

Facebook is it!

check out the demo video here:

**Note: this is going up in price later today!!

This is a real simple plugin that takes just minutes to get set up and
works with all the main autoresponders.

it basically let you treat Facebook like your own personal autoresponder!

when someone clicks on your Facebook connect button on your blog this adds
them to which ever autoresponder list you choose, with their Facebook
email, which will be a real, working email.

then, whenever you want, you can send them a Facebook update notification
straight from your plugin.

you know the 3 bits at the top of Facebook that show when you have new
friend requests, messages or notifications right?

these messages appear in their notifcations list, how cool is that!?!

what this means:

~ you'll end up with more sunscribers because you make it so easy for them
to subscribe

~ you'll grab their attention and get your message in front of them EVERY
time you hit send

~ it's super easyy and quick to send a notification update

~ you know the email you're getting is real

there's a demo video so you can see it in action...

check it out before the price goes up, there's a $50 discount that ends
later today...

here's the link:

Matt Garrett

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Matt Garrett,
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& the best bits:

~# End Of Email #~