Subject: UltimateSocialPlugin JV: Leaderboard + chance to win iPad mini...


There's been a few changes and new entries on the Leaderboard for the
UltimateSocialPlugin over the weekend, you can see it on the partners page
here: -

With just over 2 weeks to go there's plenty of time for things to change
more, so don't get comfy with your spot on the leaderboard! ;-)

We're holding the price rise until midnight next Monday, Oct 7th, partly to
give more of you the chance to mail using the urgency angle (check swipe
email #3 on the partners page, link above) and partly because we managed to
get the date wrong on the site itself, somehow we ended up with October
30th, instead of September 30th, so we figure we'd better give people an
extra week before we start hiking those prices up.

They will go up again on 19th October, and that will be a steep pric rise,
the Developer licence will be going all the way up to $197!

USP is still conveting at a very solid 3%+ across the board, with $1.43+

Note: remember when you look at the numbers in JVZoo all three licences are
on a front end funnel, so you need to look at the numbers for the funnel as
a whole to get the accurate numbers. It's a downside of setting up 3
licence options on the front end funnel the way I did it, lesson learnt!

IMPORTANT: We're still offering the next five partners to hit 25 sales a
chance to get your integration advert spot for your own product offer on
the download page, so a great chance for long term ongoing commissions! Get
mailing to grab your spot!

If you haven't got your link yet, here's the page to use: -

*Note: you don't need to get approved for all 3 license levels, we've got
them all set up in a 'front end' funnel now, thanks to some help from the
guys at JVZoo!

iPad Mini Competition:

We're keeping the competition for the best Blog Post Review of WPSimulator
open until the end of this month, as we've only had 2 entries so far, which
means if you can get a blog post review of WPSim done and in to us before
then you could stand a VERY good chance of winning an iPad Mini (or $339

as always, if I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in
touch, and thanks again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69

P.S. I've got some great domains for sale ~>