Subject: Stop being scared of graphics...


Whether you want it or not, your site is in a beauty contest, every second
of every day...

Stop losing the contest: -

You may not want to admit it, you don’t even have to like it, but it's
true, your visitors really do judge your site, your offer and your brand,
by what your site looks like!

Every time a visitor hits your site they are immediately judging your site
on it’s looks...

Whether it catches their eye...

Whether it look professional...

Whether they like the graphics...

Your visitors will judge your site in seconds just on what they see!

AND if they don’t like it they’re gone, and all your hard work getting
people to visit your site in the first place has been wasted...

The days of being able to get away with a basic WP theme and a pic or two
are gone, your site needs to look good, fact.

In fact, according to just one good graphic can increase
your sales by 16.5%

Even Google are looking for you to have engaging graphics on your site.

Getting good quality graphics made for your site is a pain, AND costs both
your time and money (even if you outsource them).

But doing them yourself is just scary right?

You need to be some sort of PhotoShop expert and go through days of super
intense training to know how to create anything that looks decent, right..?

Not any more!

Now you can become a PhotoShop Pro in just an hour or two...

check out these tutorial videos that will show you how to create all the
Pro graphics you ever need: -

Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

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