Subject: Stealth Social Selling... [Facebook plugin]


Facebook's a thing right..? So people using Facebook aren't really there to
buy anything, they're not in a buying "mode", that’s what Google and
Amazon are for...

That means, trying to make sales directly from your fan pages isn't really
going to work!

What's the answer, how do you monetize your fan pages?


It’s actually quite simple, you have to get your fans OFF Facebook, even
if it's only briefly, so you can grab their email address.

Now, there are two ways to go about doing this:

1. You can post links to squeeze pages directly on your fanpage.

This can work, however you’ll likely experience extremely poor conversion
rates and few optins due to your page not being on Facebook (lack of

Here’s the better way, use this brand new plugin that allows you to place
dynamic surveys directly inside of the Facbeook Newsfeed of your fanpages.

Did you get the important (and sneaky) bit there?

~> "Surveys"

People love surveys, and this plugin not only takes advantage of that to
get you those optins, but can also help you segment your lists to make your
email marketing even more powerful!

You simply post your Dynamic survey on a Facebook fan page (this works with
or without fans).

Your visitors see the post and click on it, which immediately opens a
survey INSIDE of the Facebook newsfeed.

After the user submits their answer, they are taken to a specific page that
you choose based on the answer that they submit.

This can be a squeeze page, sales page, affiliate offer, cpa offer,
basically any page you want.

And because the visitor has already completed an action (the survey) they
are significantly more likely to convert on the next page that you send
them to, you can target the content of the page to the answer they have

Check it out here and enjoy your higher conversions: -

Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

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