Subject: Spining for free traffic [5 day free trial]


I mentioned how to use spun content for free traffic a couple of days ago,
you can watch the video here:

Since I mailed about it I've had a few emails with questions, so I thought
I'd reply to the most common one's...

Q: What's the actual purpose of this software.

A: It will take any old article you have lying around, and generate
THOUSANDS of perfectly readable unique versions of that article. You can
thenblast these unique articles to THOUSANDS of relevant websites and build
a ton of backlinks. This way you get practically unlimited FREE traffic
from search engines.

Q: What's the best way of using it?

A: There's a whole bunch of tutorials videos that show you how to generate
TONS of unique content, so you can get up and running straight away.
There's also a free bonus "blueprint" on how to use all that content to
generate free traffic to your site.

Q: When does the free trial option end?

A: Soon! If you want to try it all out for 5 days for free you need to get
signed up for the trial offer in the next couple of days, before they close
this special deal down!

To claim the free trial, 60% discount and their "34 Days to 7,000 Daily
Visitors BLUEPRINT", simply head over to this page: ~>

Bottom line, with the free trial you've got nothing to lose, and this
really IS something else!

and in case you missed it, here's my original email from a couple of days
ago: -

Q: what's the easiest way to rank your website on the first page of Google

A: contextual backlinks.

Because they are surrounded with many keywords, they have more value than
spammy links from forum profiles or blog comments. They also look more
natural. Basically it's the kind of theing Google is looking for...

and you've got 3 easy ways to get it right and build contextual backlinks
that Google will reward you for: -

#1: Create many web 2.0 sites and publish your articles with backlinks

#2: Guest post on other people's blogs.

#3: Publish articles in article directories.

And that's it.

You've probably already heard that. But, that's not all. You shouldn't stop
there. For real success, you need to go that extra mile.

Q: What's the 'Extra Step' needed to really make it work, the bit that
you're not being told..?

A: You need to build links to web 2.0 sites as well.

In other words, you need to build links to your links.

We call them "second tier" links and they make all the difference.

They make your support sites seem more "legit", making the links from those
support sites more valuable.

Q: How do you build all these "second tier" links?

A: Simple, create web 2.0 sites, write guest posts and publish articles in
article directories.

Yup, it really is that easy (once you Know) and all you need is enough

Q: How/Where do I get enough content for all this?

A: Spin it!

Many people say that article spinning is dead.

They only say that because they don't want you to know how POWERFUL it is,
OR they use a spinner that shoots out unreadable garbage!

The only thing that is dead is BAD spinning.

Google hates poorly spun articles, you should too.

That is why you need to pick an article spinner that is able to spin
content that reads as if it was written by a real person.

The best of the bunch has just been updated with a spanking new version and

It can spit out readable and unique content, with just a SINGLE click!

check out the demo video to see how good it is here:

oh, and there is a 5-day free trial, so you can test it for yourself.
Imagine, how many articles you can spin in 5 days. Completely FREE.

Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

Premium Domains:

List Building Tools:

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© GazMat Publishing. and may not be republished