Subject: SEOUK JV: It's happening, we're finally releasing WPCheat...


We've been asked again & again over the last 5-6 months (by customers &
JV's) when we'll be releasing WPCheat as a front end offer in it's own
right, well, the time has finally come...

Check out the JV page here: -

WPcheat has sold over 1,100 copies as an upsell offer over the last 6
months, climbing all the way up to #2 on the JVZoo daily top sellers list
as just an 'OTO', and still has a super low 2% refund rate, AND simply
massive conversion numbers!

Of course, that wasn't good enough for the 'Hitman', so for the last couple
of months he's been beavering away in the backroom and addes a whole of new
content and tripled the bonuses included!

And he's created a brand new 73,000+ 'Marketers GFX Superpack' as the new
(1st) upsell...

Here's the details: -

Product: WPCheat

Launch Date: 11AM EST Tue 11th December for 9 Days ONLY, price rise at
midnight on Thursday 19th December

Platform: JVZoo

JV Info Page:
JV Signup Link:

Front-End Price: $27-$47
Commission: 50%

Upsell #1: Marketers GFX Superpack – $19.95 @50%

Upsell #2: PSMasterclass & WPWebGraphics - $67 @50%

Description: Content Creation Cheats for WordPress that allow users to
create professional styled content with 'copy & paste' speed...
*Note: already sold 1,100+ as OTO

Product Summary:

The product is a collection of 100′s of most commonly used web design
element codes specially styled to work in most WordPress themes or HTML
sites – simply copy & paste the element into your WordPress editor, edit
the text in visual view, hit preview & presto! The elements are made to
help anyone of any level of knowledge to build stunning looking pages
without any HTMLexperience.

Unique Selling Points:

1. Just Copy & Paste – No Learning Curve.
2. Can Use in HTML Sites – as these are HTML cheats they will work in
HTML pages too


NO Plugin Clashes
NO Theme Incompatibilities
NO Programming Bugs
NO Exploit Vulnerabilities
NO Technical Problems

Simply THE Fastest, Easiest & Safest Way To Create Professional Looking Web
Content – No Other Product Comes Even Remotely Close

Here's the JVZoo affiliate link to get signed up as an affiliate: -

and we've got over $2,500 up for grabs in affiliate prizes, check out the
competition page here: -

*NOTE: The JV competition ends and the price jumps up at midnight on
Thursday 19th December, so there's only 9 days to grab your slice of the
WPCheat 'pie'!

We'll be posting regular updates and news on the JV Partners News page
during the launch, so I'll share that with you in the next email along with
some of the swipe emails, but for now just make sure you've got Wednesday
11th December (11am EST) booked in your calendar!

as always, if I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in
touch, and thanks again!

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69

P.S. I've got some great domains for sale ~>