Subject: SEO UK News: Lost socks, Zend, ftp security & passive list building...


my family & friends seem to think I've gone a bit bonkers!

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago I was out in the garden tidying up
(somewhat unusual for me), then last week I got a new PC and did a serious
clean out & tidy up in the office...

well, it's not stopped there, I've been doing a major 'spring clean",
dusting and decluttering the whole house!

it may be down to a book I've just started reading, called "The Joy of
Less", that's all about decluttering, simplifying and getting your life
more organised.

you can check it out on Amazon here: -

UK link:
US link:

the upside is I finally solved the mystery of where all my socks have been
dissappearing to, I discovered 12 pairs hiding under the bottom draw of my
chest of drawers, the darn things had fallen out of the back of the top
(sock) draw and down the back... lol!

While I'm on the topics of books that I like, here's a quick link to a very
old blog post of mine (April 2007) about some of the most influencial books
I've read: -

Although it may well be time to update that post as there's a few books
missing that I've read since, there's still some great reads on there.

and on to the 'news' bit...

I've got a few bits for you this week:

#1: we've been asked by a few members of WPSimulator how to get Zend
installed on localhost, it's not something we included initially as we've
not needed it ourselves, but as there does appear to be demand for it from
you guys & girls, we're working on it right now and hope to have a tutorial
video added next week. I'll give you a heads up in next weeks 'News'
summary email. :)

#2: we're still working on an update to BlogDefender, it's taking longer
than we expected as it's turning out to be more detailed than we'd
origianlly anticipated, which is all good for BlogDefender members!

We have got an interim update that we will be adding a video for next week,
showing why you shouldn't trust the basic way of using FileZilla (and any
other ftp software that doesn't encrypt your site login data), and more
importantly, how you you can quickly and easily make it totally secure
using some free software! :)

#3: capturing leads to build your list of subscribers is a pretty important
part of marketing online. Big corporations use different 'terms' than we do
in 'internet marketing', but it's basically the same thing, and if you're
not doing this (yet) you really should be...

check out the post on Smart Passive Listbuilding here: -

#4: Having a website means you're always going to want more visitors, and
preferably targeted free visitors, so "SEO" is something we are always
learning more about.

This week there's a couple of guys who have more 'proof' of their results
from their students and clients than you can shake a stick at, I'm not sure
if this will still be available when you are readying this, but I highly
recommend checking it out, I've already grabbed my copy! :-)

check it out here: -

As always, have a great weekend, and don't forget to check under your
wardrobe draws if you've lost any socks! ;-)

now where's that duster...

Matt Garrett

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& the best bits:

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