Subject: SEO UK JV: WPWebGraphics Price Rise in 60 hours...


the clock is ticking, we've got 60 hours before the price goes up on
WPWebGraphics, to more than double what it is right now!

We've added a count down timer above the buy button on the sales page to
build in real uregency for any "fence sitters", so now's the time to mail

Once that clock hits zero the price up to $47 for WPWebGraphics AND for the
PhotoShop Essentials tutorial videos...

here's some testimonials you can include in your emails: -

WPWebGraphics: -


Just blown away by the over delivery of information inside the members
Thanks a bunch, from another happy Brit. lol

Kevin Long


Great graphic package. I looked at another link, the price for only ebook
covers was higher than what I paid here. So thanks guys for this bargain

Shahin Kamal

PhotoShop Essentials Tutorials: -


I've used Photoshop off and on since version 4 (1990s) for both offline and
online graphics and this is the best and most usable "whirlwind" tour I've
ever seen... completely "actionable" if people will simply do it.

What you teach in half a day took me months of trial and error to
learn--would highly recommend it to anyone who want to use Photoshop for
online graphics.

Greg Smithhisler


I can barely tell you without going on to long about how much I have
learned in each one of these bite sized video’s of which I just
absolutely Love, because this allows me to view as few or as many as I can,
then come back to them and learn the balance of the lesson’s.

This is the training I have been in need of for so long. I just love the
videos and the Trainer. He moves through PS so well and I am able to
understand everything he has shown me (us).

Thank you, thank you so very much, you are a life saver and business saver
for working class people and people like me, on disability and short on
income. I am going to have to sign up as an affiliate for this one, it is

Beverly Frazier



The $50 spot prize for the 500th sale is going to be grabbed soon, will it
be you?

Remember, if you secure yourself a spot on the leaderboard we will happily
mail back for you, and right now it's only going to take 15 sales to sneak
in at the bottom of the leaderboard!

There are 4 email swipes you can grab on the partners page here: -

grab whichever fits your list the best and mail away!

AND there's also over $2,200 up for grabs in the JV competition, so get
mailing and grab your share of the JV Cash!

Here's the JV Comp page: -

as always, if I can help you with anything just give me a shout, and thanks
again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69

P.S. I've got some great domains for sale ~>