Subject: SEO UK JV: WPSim price + 100% comm's opp + NEW SEO UK Launch...


just a quick 'heads up' on the price of WPSimulator, and a great JV
opportunity that I've been 'making bank' on over the last few days that I
wanted to share...

#1: We put the price on WPSimulator up to $97 at the end of May and it's
still selling at that much higher price point, so we're going to drop it
back down to $47 for the first week of July, then we'll pop it back up to
$67, which is where we're going to leave it for the foresseable future.

If you're having a launch and you'd like to be able to have a "special"
offer on either WPSimulator or BlogDefender for your members/buyers then
please get in touch and we can get something special set up for you. :)

#2: 1st, 5th & 7th... We all know that nowadays it can be difficult to
predict how your subscribers will react to an offer, sometimes something
you think will do well bombs, and then there's those times you mail for
something that doesn't (on the surface) seem out of the ordinary and it
nails it, your list eats it up and spits out oodles of dosh at you...

I'm currently sitting 1st, 5th & 7th on the leaderboard for one such offer,
and they've got a 100% commissions special going this weekend, so I thought
I better let you see if you can push me of the top spot, and make a bunch
of commissions! ;-)

you can check out the details and grab links here: -

I've been converting at well over 8% on the front end, and 70%+ on the
upsell, and it's been increasing over the week as they tweak the salespage
to increase the conversions.

What is it?

well, it's a WP popup plugin...

yeah, I know, 'not another popup', that was pretty much what I thought
until I took a look at what it does.

check it out for yourself, as I said, it's been going gang busters with my

#3: Mon 22nd July -> keep this date free, we've got it penciled in for our
next launch, this time it's something a little more "traditional", but with
our own 'twist' to make sure it really grabs attention and pulls in the
numbers for all our partners! :)

I'll send more details soon...

as always, if I can help you with anything, always feel free to get in
touch, and thanks again! :)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett
skype: mattg69

P.S. I've got some great domains for sale ~>