Subject: PulseHover Plugin FAQ...


I emailed you yesterday about the new PulseHover plugin and the price has
gone up once already since then...


so here's a bit of a FAQ info for you about the plugin to help you decide
whether it's rigth for you: -

Who is this plugin for?

~ Marketers
~ Wordpress users
~ Bloggers
~ Kindle Authors
~ Offline Business Consultants
~ Amazon Marketers
~ Affiliate Marketers
~ Local Business Owners
~ Traffic; SEO Consultants
~ Social Media Consultants
~ Content Marketers

Why You Need This Plugin Now!

~ Social Sharing is a primary objective for all marketers to increase
~ Images are shared more than any other type of content
~ Your prospects suffer with sharing icon blindness
~ Viral content is 93% images shared on Facebook
~ Facebook is competing with Google for search engine status
~ Getting prospects to FIND you and your content

What Are The Main Features Of PulseHover?

~ Comes With Choice Of Graphics
~ Create Preset Hover's
~ Upload Your Own Backgrounds
~ Upload Your Own Icons
~ Upload Your Own Buttons
~ Add Your Own Buttons For Your Niche
~ Add Affiliate Banners - including animated
~ Add Buy Buttons
~ Use For Social Sharing Of Your Content
~ Ask Prospects To Follow You

What Are The Main Benefits Of PulseHover?

~ Unique Pattern Interrupt Unseen Before
~ Multiple Influential Call To Action Opportunities
~ Connect Your "Call To Action" Button With ANY Url
~ Free Traffic Boosting Opportunities
~ Using Images Most Shared Content Anywhere Online
~ Benefit From Viral Sharing - Stats Shows Is 93% Images
~ Send Visitors To An Affiliate Promotion
~ Send Prospects Directly To Your Amazon Product
~ Send Prospects To Your New Kindle book
~ Send Prospects To A Customer Offer
~ Redirect To Your Optin or Squeeze Page
~ Send Prospects To Your Own Sales Pages

and don't forget the price will go up again tonight, and every 24 hours
after, so go check it out now: -

Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

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